January 14th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
गौरवं प्राप्यते दानात् न तु वित्तस्य सञ्चयात् ।
स्थितिरुच्चैः पयोदानां पयोधीनामधः स्थितिः ॥

- सुभाषितरत्नसमुच्चय

gauravaṃ prāpyate dānāt na tu vittasya sañcayāt ।
sthitiruccaiḥ payodānāṃ payodhīnāmadhaḥ sthitiḥ ॥
- subhāṣitaratnasamuccaya

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Respectability comes from giving and not collecting. Clouds (attain) a higher position and the oceans, a lower one.

What kinds of teachings has God not given us? He has left us hints to all kinds of essentials in nature itself. Even the code of conduct is given to us in nature!

By nature, clouds exist high up in the sky, and the oceans lie down below. The poet beautifully explains this by saying—the clouds give away all the water they contain and disintegrate themselves in due course. Once the rain falls they (clouds), even cease to exist. Hence, they were given an exalted position (in the sky).  On the contrary, the oceans collect all the water that comes their way (even turning the freshwater salty). That is why they haven't reached heights!

The essence is: that giving has more value than accumulating or pooling. It could be money, resources, knowledge, wealth, or anything of the like. Sharing with our fellow beings brings a higher permanence to the giver, and also to what he gives. If one shares knowledge with others, that knowledge gets passed down for generations ahead and will live forever. Greed and stinginess have never been approved in any culture. Sharing wealth will not only benefit the receiver but will instill the spirit of giving in himself too. 

Anyone who 'gives', attains higher respect than the one who 'collects' all for himself. For, it is in giving that we receive!  Giving is always an honorable act.

pada vigrahaH:
गौरवं प्राप्यते दानात् न तु वित्तस्य सञ्चयात् ।
gauravaṃ prāpyate dānāt na tu vittasya sañcayāt ।

स्थितिः उच्चैः पयोदानां पयोधीनां अधः स्थितिः ॥
sthitiḥ uccaiḥ payodānāṃ payodhīnāṃ adhaḥ sthitiḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
gauravaM praapyate daanaat na tu vittasya sa~nchayaat ।
sthitiruchchaiH payodAnAM payodhInaamadhaH sthitiH ॥
- subhaaShitaratnasamuchchaya

gauravaM praapyate daanaat na tu vittasya sa~nchayaat ।
sthitiH uchchaiH payodAnAM payodhInaaM adhaH sthitiH ॥


  1. This is a very nice blog. I really like the meaning and the morals.
    I will look on these subhaashitas every day.

  2. Hats off to you for the lovely collections, meaningful verses and explanation too.
