August 31st

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अयुक्तं स्वामिनो युक्तं युक्तं नीचस्य दूषणम् ।
अमृतं राहवे मृत्युः विषं शङ्करभूषणम् ॥
- चाणक्य नीति

ayuktaṃ svāmino yuktaṃ yuktaṃ nīcasya dūṣaṇam ।
amṛtaṃ rāhave mṛtyuḥ viṣaṃ śaṅkarabhūṣaṇam ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
(Even) that which is unsuitable is suitable for a master, (but even) that which is approved is a misfit for the inferior. The divine nectar brought death to Rāhu, whereas poison became an adornment to Lord Shiva.

'One size fits all', isn't always the rule! Something grossly out of line may fit quite right for a master. Whereas even that which is deemed perfectly perfect might bring disgrace to the inferior!

The example given by the poet is that of Rāhu and Shiva. Being a demon, Rāhu, stealthily sat amidst the devas(demi-gods) and consumed the divine nectar (which bestows immortality). Seeing that he was cheating, Lord Vishnu beheaded him. But since he had already consumed a portion of the nectar, he lived, except with his head separated from his body! Hence, even the divine nectar proved disastrous for Rāhu

On the other hand, Lord Shiva consumed the poison that came out in the process of churning the milky ocean (in pursuit of obtaining the divine nectar), to save the world from its ill effects. Goddess Pārvatī, His wife, stopped it in his neck, making him Nīlakaṇṭha (the blue-necked one). Even poison became an adornment for the Lord!

The action itself does not make the difference, but the intentions and worthiness of the person performing it do. Many times, that which is right and appropriate for one person cannot be acceptable for another.  A scientist can experiment with new chemicals in the lab, whereas a student who is learning acids from bases better refrain from mixing liquids in the lab as per his whims!

A master can formulate anything with ease. Mastery comes with a good heart and good intentions. When your heart is pure and filled with good intentions, you don’t have to prove it to anyone. Your actions will do that.

pada vigrahaH:
अयुक्तं स्वामिनः युक्तं युक्तं नीचस्य दूषणम् ।
ayuktaṃ svāminaḥ yuktaṃ yuktaṃ nīcasya dūṣaṇam ।

अमृतं राहवे मृत्युः विषं शङ्कर-भूषणम् ॥
amṛtaṃ rāhave mṛtyuḥ viṣaṃ śaṅkara-bhūṣaṇam ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
ayuktaM svaamino yuktaM yuktaM nIchasya dUShaNam ।
amRutaM raahave mRutyurviShaM sha~nkarabhUShaNam ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

ayuktaM svaaminaH yuktaM yuktaM nIchasya dUShaNam ।
amRutaM raahave mRutyuH viShaM sha~nkara-bhUShaNam ॥

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