August 19th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अनवस्थितकार्यस्य न जने न वने सुखम् ।
जने दहति संसर्गः वने सङ्गविवर्जनम् ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

anavasthitakāryasya na jane na vane sukham ।
jane dahati saṃsargaḥ vane saṅgavivarjanam ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
For the unsettled/disorderly, there is no solace amidst people or in the forest. Amidst people, association cauterizes; in the forest, the lack of it!

One can live in a palatial bungalow amidst kith and kin, or by himself in the wilderness of the forest. But if the mind is not organized, it is immaterial where he is or with whom he lives. When living amongst people, their company brings him misery. He magnetically attracts trouble when with people. If he gives up everything and runs away to a no man's land, then the lack of it (the company) brings him sorrow. He is not at peace anywhere!

Organizing one's own thoughts, surroundings and schedules is always a great way to avoid such a plight. Electricity is really just organized lightning! If it just keeps striking everywhere randomly, it cannot be productive. When it is organized like electricity, it has the potential to do many things. Similar is the effect of being organized in one's life. It can help one reach heights and keep him contented in life too.

A good system shortens the road to any goal and getting organized is also a sign of self-respect. Having an organized mind and thoughts is key! When thoughts are streamlined, the surroundings will be harmonized. There is nothing more calming than an organized home and mind. 

pada vigrahaH:
अनवस्थित-कार्यस्य न जने न वने सुखम् ।
anavasthita-kāryasya na jane na vane sukham ।

जने दहति संसर्गः वने सङ्ग-विवर्जनम् ॥
jane dahati saṃsargaḥ vane saṅga-vivarjanam ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
anavasthitakaaryasya na jane na vane sukham ।
jane dahati saMsargaH vane sa~ngavivarjanam ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

anavasthita-kaaryasya na jane na vane sukham ।
jane dahati saMsargaH vane sa~nga-vivarjanam ॥

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