Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
स्वर्गस्थितानामिह जीवलोके चत्वारि चिह्नानि वसन्ति देहे ।
दानप्रसङ्गो मधुरा च वाणी देवार्चनं ब्राह्मणतर्पणं च ॥
- चाणक्य नीति
svargasthitānāmiha jīvaloke catvāri cihnāni vasanti dehe ।
dānaprasaṅgo madhurā ca vāṇī devārcanaṃ brāhmaṇatarpaṇaṃ ca ॥
- cāṇakya nīti
Meaning of the subhAShita:
There are 4 signs of a person in heaven even while living in this world—giving, pleasant words, worshipping the Lord, and satiating (the hunger) of a vidvān (learned person).
It is in one's own hands to make life a living hell or heaven. One doesn't have to wait to pass on to see heaven. His life can be as blissful as being in heaven if he inculcates these 4 attributes—
Find your own heaven. Do good, feel good!
pada vigrahaH:
स्वर्ग-स्थितानाम् इह जीव-लोके चत्वारि चिह्नानि वसन्ति देहे ।
svarga-sthitānām iha jīva-loke catvāri cihnāni vasanti dehe ।
दान-प्रसङ्गः मधुरा च वाणी देव-अर्चनं ब्राह्मण-तर्पणं च ॥
dāna-prasaṅgaḥ madhurā ca vāṇī deva-arcanaṃ brāhmaṇa-tarpaṇaṃ ca ॥
- Giving—Sometimes a small thing given can mean everything in someone's life! True giving is when you give your all and yet feel like it is nothing! These are truly blissful feelings.
- Pleasant words—Words are the keys to another's heart. Someone was asked, “If someone were to pay you 10 coins for every kind word you ever spoke and collect 5 coins for every unkind word, would you be rich or poor?” Blessed are those who measure rich on this scale!
- Worshiping the Lord—When every action is an offering to the Lord, there is nothing much one needs to do after that. He is just as close to God as he would be in heaven.
- Satiating the hunger of a vidvān (learned one)—Why specifically a vidvān? Why should his hunger be satisfied? In the olden days, Brāhmaṇas held the responsibility of giving knowledge to people. They would roam from place to place propagating their learning and would not be equipped to make their own meals at home. So satiating their hunger means contributing to the propagation of knowledge! A person who feeds them does his share in contributing to society and hence is happy.
Find your own heaven. Do good, feel good!
pada vigrahaH:
स्वर्ग-स्थितानाम् इह जीव-लोके चत्वारि चिह्नानि वसन्ति देहे ।
svarga-sthitānām iha jīva-loke catvāri cihnāni vasanti dehe ।
दान-प्रसङ्गः मधुरा च वाणी देव-अर्चनं ब्राह्मण-तर्पणं च ॥
dāna-prasaṅgaḥ madhurā ca vāṇī deva-arcanaṃ brāhmaṇa-tarpaṇaṃ ca ॥
svargasthitaanaamiha jIvaloke chatvaari chihnaani vasanti dehe ।
daanaprasa~ngo madhuraa cha vaaNI devaarchanaM braahmaNatarpaNaM cha ॥
- chaaNakya nIti
svarga-sthitaanaam iha jIva-loke chatvaari chihnaani vasanti dehe ।
daana-prasa~ngaH madhuraa cha vaaNI deva-archanaM braahmaNa-tarpaNaM cha ॥
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