August 9th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
नाहारं चिन्तयेत् प्राज्ञः धर्ममेकं हि चिन्तयेत् ।
आहारो हि मनुष्याणां जन्मना सह जायते ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

nāhāraṃ cintayet prājñaḥ dharmamekaṃ hi cintayet ।
āhāro hi manuṣyāṇāṃ janmanā saha jāyate ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
The wise do not think about food but reflect on dharma alone. (Because) food for beings is born along with them!

Human birth is a rare and precious gift, a blessing bestowed upon us for realizing the ultimate purpose of life—call it mokṣa, salvation, or liberation. This lofty goal can only be achieved by contemplating and living according to dharma. True nourishment for the soul comes from reflecting on righteousness, not merely feeding the body. Food for thought is as vital, if not more so, than food for sustenance.

The wise understand that the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, has already provided for every being. He sustains even the smallest frog hidden beneath a remote stone, ensuring that its nourishment is within reach. Why, then, should one excessively worry or hoard wealth and provisions to secure comfort for ten future generations? The Lord has placed sustenance in the very vicinity of every living creature—it comes as part of the grand design.

Thus, one need not be consumed by anxiety over fulfilling the body’s needs. Each being’s rightful share of sustenance is born alongside them. Instead, what truly warrants contemplation is the virtue of one’s actions. Are my deeds aligned with dharma? Am I walking the path of righteousness? Such reflections are far more enriching and transformative.

So, let us focus on offering food for thought, not just food for the body. A nourished mind and spirit elevate life far beyond mere existence, paving the way to the ultimate goal.

pada vigrahaH:
न अहारं चिन्तयेत् प्राज्ञः धर्मम् एकं हि चिन्तयेत् ।
na ahāraṃ cintayet prājñaḥ dharmam ekaṃ hi cintayet ।

आहारो हि मनुष्याणां जन्मना सह जायते ॥
āhāro hi manuṣyāṇāṃ janmanā saha jāyate ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
naahaaraM chintayet praaj~naH dharmamekaM hi chintayet ।
aahaaro hi manuShyaaNaaM janmanaa saha jaayate ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

na ahaaraM chintayet praaj~naH dharmam ekaM hi chintayet ।
aahaaro hi manuShyaaNaaM janmanaa saha jaayate ॥

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