Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
विप्रयोर्विप्रवह्न्योश्च दम्पत्योः स्वामिभृत्ययोः ।
अन्तरेण न गन्तव्यं हलस्य वृषभस्य च ॥
- चाणक्य नीति
viprayorvipravahnyośca dampatyoḥ svāmibhṛtyayoḥ ।
antareṇa na gantavyaṃ halasya vṛṣabhasya ca ॥
- cāṇakya nīti
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Never go between two vidvān-s (scholars); vidvān (one who knows scriptures) and the sacred fire; husband and wife; master and servant; plow and the bull.
Common sense! None of these scenarios has any scarcity for screaming danger.
pada vigrahaH:
विप्रयोः विप्र-वह्न्योः च दम्पत्योः स्वामि-भृत्ययोः ।
viprayoḥ vipra-vahnyoḥ ca dampatyoḥ svāmi-bhṛtyayoḥ ।
अन्तरेण न गन्तव्यं हलस्य वृषभस्य च ॥
antareṇa na gantavyaṃ halasya vṛṣabhasya ca ॥
- Spiritual scholars (vedāntin-s) are popular for their disagreements! Each has their own set of opinions and they quickly get into arguments. Going between them or being forced to take the side of one or the other is not a safe place to be in!
- A vidvān purohit (a learned scholar who performs fire rituals) worships the fire. Many types of sacrifices are offered to the fire. Being in the way is only an invitation for trouble!
- Between a husband and wife, many arguments will arise. But they themselves are the best people to resolve them. They both should remember that they both are on the same side. Anyone else will prove to be the outsider! They would either be in a sticky situation or be the cause of creating more trouble between the couple. Neither is a likable outcome. It is best NOT to get between a husband and wife under any circumstance!
- Coming between a master and his servant isn't sensible either. The orders of the master are better when received by the subordinate himself. There won't be any miscommunication of the expectations.
- A bull drags the plow in the fields. When the pace of the moving plow is at the mercy of the bull, how sane is it to walk between the plow and the bull?!
pada vigrahaH:
विप्रयोः विप्र-वह्न्योः च दम्पत्योः स्वामि-भृत्ययोः ।
viprayoḥ vipra-vahnyoḥ ca dampatyoḥ svāmi-bhṛtyayoḥ ।
अन्तरेण न गन्तव्यं हलस्य वृषभस्य च ॥
antareṇa na gantavyaṃ halasya vṛṣabhasya ca ॥
viprayorvipravahnyoshcha dampatyoH svaamibhRutyayoH ।
antareNa na gantavyaM halasya vRuShabhasya cha ॥
- chaaNakya nIti
viprayoH vipra-vahnyoH cha dampatyoH svaami-bhRutyayoH ।
antareNa na gantavyaM halasya vRuShabhasya cha ॥
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