August 13th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् ।
व्यसनेन तु मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा ॥

- हितोपदेश

kāvyaśāstravinodena kālo gacchati dhīmatām ।
vyasanena tu mūrkhāṇāṃ nidrayā kalahena vā ॥
- hitopadeśa

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Intelligent people spend their time studying literature and scriptures for amusement, whereas the foolish (spend time indulging) in bad habits, sleeping, or quarreling.

'Favorite pastimes' vary for each individual based on their caliber. One's choice of activities is based on his interests.

The poet says he who is aware of the real purpose of life chooses to study literature and scriptures for his entertainment. He keeps himself occupied in productive activities rather than unwanted distractions. 

On the other hand, a foolish person entertains himself by being involved in petty quarrels, bad habits, or oversleeping. He is constantly distraught, displeased, and dissatisfied with his circumstances.  He easily passes the buck of blame onto someone else and gets into a dispute simply to satiate his ego.  There is no higher goal when one wants to boost his own futile efforts when he is clearly in the wrong.

One's choices give away his temperaments! Choose your hobbies carefully and may the pursuit behind them be justified.

pada vigrahaH:
काव्य-शास्त्र-विनोदेन कालः गच्छति धीमताम् ।
kāvya-śāstra-vinodena kālaḥ gacchati dhīmatām ।

व्यसनेन तु मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा ॥
vyasanena tu mūrkhāṇāṃ nidrayā kalahena vā ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
kaavyashaastravinodena kaalo gachChati dhImataam ।
vyasanena tu mUrkhaaNaaM nidrayaa kalahena vaa ॥
- hitopadesha

kaavya-shaastra-vinodena kaalaH gachChati dhImataam ।
vyasanena tu mUrkhaaNaaM nidrayaa kalahena vaa ॥

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