July 8th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
युक्तियुक्तं वचो ग्राह्यं बालादपि शुकादपि ।
अयुक्तमपि न ग्राह्यं साक्षादपि बृहस्पतेः ॥

yuktiyuktaṃ vaco grāhyaṃ bālādapi śukādapi ।
ayuktamapi na grāhyaṃ sākṣādapi bṛhaspateḥ ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
The words conjoined with reason should be cognized (even when coming) from a child or a parrot. Those devoid of reason should not be grasped even coming from bṛhaspati (guru of the Gods) (himself).

Children do not have experience. Parrots only repeat what they hear but cannot put those words into practice. However, be it from a child or a parrot, if a valid thought is conveyed,  it can not be discounted or discredited just for the reason that they are inexperienced or do not follow their own words! Many a time, one comes across humans who act like parrots; they speak big words and quote many values, although they themselves are not living up to it. Even they should not be discredited, says the poet. If there is an essence in their words, then take them and incorporate them!

At the same time, if something unreasonable is presented by someone in the highest seat of honor, do not follow it! Gods being divine, possess good in them. bṛhaspati, their teacher, obviously would have led them on the right path. But then, even if he says something irrational, do not follow it because of the high office he holds :).

Use your own wisdom and judgement. Choose wisely. Take words at their face value without worrying as to whose face is speaking the words! :).

pada vigrahaH:
युक्ति-युक्तं वचः ग्राह्यं बालात् अपि शुकात् अपि ।
yukti-yuktaṃ vacaḥ grāhyaṃ bālāt api śukāt api ।

अ-युक्तम् अपि न ग्राह्यं साक्षात् अपि बृहस्पतेः ॥
a-yuktam api na grāhyaṃ sākṣāt api bṛhaspateḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
yuktiyuktaM vacho graahyaM baalaadapi shukaadapi ।
ayuktamapi na graahyaM saakShaadapi bRuhaspateH ॥

yukti-yuktaM vachaH graahyaM baalaat api shukaat api ।
a-yuktam api na graahyaM saakShaat api bRuhaspateH ॥


  1. great thoughts...thanks to this blog

  2. Can you please also provide some reference I.e.from where this is taken. Which shastra?

    1. Wherever sources are available they would be quoted right below. Unfortunately, the source of this on is unknown.

      Also, you may enjoy the free classes I'm offering online.
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  3. I believe this is from yoga vasishta.

    1. Thanks. The source from Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga_Vasistha
      On Human Intellect
      The Yoga Vāsiṣṭha states the following on the credibility of the provider and seeker of knowledge through these magnificent words.

      'Even a young boy's words are to be accepted if they are words of wisdom, else, reject it like straw even if uttered by Brahmā the creator.'
