Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
सत्येन धार्यते पृथिवी सत्येन तपते रविः ।
सत्येन वाति वायुश्च सर्वं सत्ये प्रतिष्ठितम् ॥
- चाणक्य नीति
satyena dhāryate pṛthivī satyena tapate raviḥ ।
satyena vāti vāyuśca sarvaṃ satye pratiṣṭhitam ॥
- cāṇakya nīti
Meaning of the subhAShita:
The earth is held up by truth; the sun burns based on truth; even the wind blows based on truth. Everything is established on truth.
The scriptures resound these sentences: Truth is all-pervading! It is eternal and unperturbed. Only that is the truth, everything else is untruth!
The quest of humans is for this eternal truth. All phenomena of the world are working based on this one factor alone!
The earth is held up based on the truth that the gravity of the sun and the earth's own gravitational pull hold it up. That remains true always. The sun burns and shines based on truth. The wind blows based on truth.
If all these phenomena decided to act differently each day, the world would be one colossal chaos! The sun can't decide to be cold one day nor can the wind decide to burn suddenly!! Beings know what to expect from each of these elements because they trust that they are all established in their own truths.
Truth upholds the very workings of the world. This is the very basis for our existence!
pada vigrahaH:
सत्येन धार्यते पृथिवी सत्येन तपते रविः ।
satyena dhāryate pṛthivī satyena tapate raviḥ ।
सत्येन वाति वायुः च सर्वं सत्ये प्रतिष्ठितम् ॥
satyena vāti vāyuḥ ca sarvaṃ satye pratiṣṭhitam ॥
The quest of humans is for this eternal truth. All phenomena of the world are working based on this one factor alone!
The earth is held up based on the truth that the gravity of the sun and the earth's own gravitational pull hold it up. That remains true always. The sun burns and shines based on truth. The wind blows based on truth.
If all these phenomena decided to act differently each day, the world would be one colossal chaos! The sun can't decide to be cold one day nor can the wind decide to burn suddenly!! Beings know what to expect from each of these elements because they trust that they are all established in their own truths.
Truth upholds the very workings of the world. This is the very basis for our existence!
pada vigrahaH:
सत्येन धार्यते पृथिवी सत्येन तपते रविः ।
satyena dhāryate pṛthivī satyena tapate raviḥ ।
सत्येन वाति वायुः च सर्वं सत्ये प्रतिष्ठितम् ॥
satyena vāti vāyuḥ ca sarvaṃ satye pratiṣṭhitam ॥
satyena dhaaryate pRuthivI satyena tapate raviH ।
satyena vaati vaayushcha sarvaM satye pratiShThitam ॥
- chaaNakya nIti
satyena dhaaryate pRuthivI satyena tapate raviH ।
satyena vaati vaayuH cha sarvaM satye pratiShThitam ॥
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