July 20th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
शयानं चानुशयति तिष्ठन्तं चानुतिष्ठति ।
अनुधावति धावन्तं कर्म पूर्वकृतं नरम् ॥

- सुभाषितसुधानिधि

śayānaṃ cānuśayati tiṣṭhantaṃ cānutiṣṭhati ।
anudhāvati dhāvantaṃ karma pūrvakṛtaṃ naram ॥
- subhāṣitasudhānidhi

Meaning of the subhAShita:
A being's deeds of the past follow him in his sleep, follow him when standing, (as well as) follow him when running.  (No respite!)

One may be amidst a hundred friends, yet still, feel lonely; or he may really be all alone. But in reality, he is never alone.

There is something that follows him better than a shadow! A shadow follows him only when there is light in the vicinity. This is better than that because it follows him without any conditions or exceptions! 'It' is the company of his past deeds. It follows him through every moment of his life. It sleeps with him, stands with him and even runs with him if he runs! Can one ask for company more constant than that?! Whether he wants it or not, whether he likes it or not, it is present with him always.

If one enjoys good company, then he should probably invest more in doing good deeds :).

pada vigrahaH:
शयानं च अनुशयति तिष्ठन्तं च अनुतिष्ठति ।
śayānaṃ ca anuśayati tiṣṭhantaṃ ca anutiṣṭhati ।

अनुधावति धावन्तं कर्म पूर्व-कृतं नरम् ॥
anudhāvati dhāvantaṃ karma pūrva-kṛtaṃ naram ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
shayaanaM chaanushayati tiShThantaM chaanutiShThati ।
anudhaavati dhaavantaM karma pUrvakRutaM naram ॥
- subhaaShitasudhaanidhi

shayaanaM cha anushayati tiShThantaM cha anutiShThati ।
anudhaavati dhaavantaM karma pUrva-kRutaM naram ॥

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