July 5th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
काकदृष्टिर्बकध्यानं श्वाननिद्रा तथैव च ।
अल्पाहारो जीर्णवस्त्रं च एतद्विद्यार्थिलक्षणम् ॥

kākadṛṣṭirbakadhyānaṃ śvānanidrā tathaiva ca ।
alpāhāro jīrṇavastraṃ ca etadvidyārthilakṣaṇam ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
These are the characteristics of a student—the sight of a crow, the attention of a stork, the sleep of a dog, very little food, and worn-out clothes.

Pick the best traits from whoever or wherever it is! Just as every being has their own imperfections, they have a specific trait that they have mastered. A student, especially, needs to be on the lookout, constantly, to acquire the best qualities. Striving to be a student throughout one's life is the most blissful experience!
  1. A crow in some respects, is considered the most basal of birds, but not in its skill for observation! It has very keen eyesight and nothing goes unobserved. That kind of cognizance is essential if one is interested in increasing his knowledge base and getting to the bottom of things.
  2. A stork is popular for its attention. It can stand on one leg for hours on end without moving. It stands still in the water and waits patiently for fish to pass by. Since the stork is motionless, the fish are not warned by the stork's presence, and its patience gets rewarded. This kind of concentration should be learnt from the stork. Without concentration, a deeper understanding of any subject matter is impossible.
  3. A dog is very easy to wake up. Even when it sleeps, it is very aware of its surroundings and is ready to jump up at the slightest stir. Also, when he wakes up, he doesn't sleepwalk drowsily. He is up with full attention! Such should be the alertness of a student. Excessive sleep leads only to waste of time and laziness. It is not proactive towards learning either.
  4. Consuming too much food makes one feel heavy, lazy, and sleepy. Hence, a student is advised to consume food in small portions. It also prevents him from indulging himself in pleasing his palate, which can become another hindrance to learning.
  5. Worn-out clothes (jīrṇavastraṃ), are emphasized for students. The reason is—if he wants his clothes to be new and updated with the latest trends, his time and energy get wastefully spent on acquiring those clothes, making sure he looks good with all other accessories that go with them, etc. When attention and dedication get diverted from the core subject and delve into unwanted interests.  Then, productivity in learning is anyone's guess!
Hence, the characteristics of a true student are defined as the above 5 traits. Like they say, 'Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration'. Vidyā (knowledge) never comes easily. One has to strive hard for it. If he adapts these traits then it will not seem like an effort anymore!

pada vigrahaH:
काक-दृष्टिः बक-ध्यानं श्वान-निद्रा तथा एव च ।
kāka-dṛṣṭiḥ baka-dhyānaṃ śvāna-nidrā tathā eva ca ।

अल्प-आहारो जीर्ण-वस्त्रं च एतत् विद्यार्थि-लक्षणम् ॥
alpa-āhāro jīrṇa-vastraṃ ca etat vidyārthi-lakṣaṇam ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
kaakadRuShTirbakadhyaanaM shvaananidraa tathaiva cha ।
alpaahaaro jIrNavastraM cha etadvidyaarthilakShaNam ॥

kaaka-dRuShTiH baka-dhyaanaM shvaana-nidraa tathaa eva cha ।
alpa-aahaaro jIrNa-vastraM cha etat vidyaarthi-lakShaNam ॥


  1. Hi KavyaSindhu
    I used to hear a similar one growing up back home in India:काग चेष्ठा,बको ध्यानम,श्वान निद्रा तथैव च|
    अल्पाहारी, गृहत्यागी,विद्यार्थी नाम:पञ्च लक्षणम् ||
    Anyhow,the one you posted is a fine one.
    I am forwarding it to my teenage son.

    One request I have been meaning to make is for a shlok which has the meaning that one can scold a child till sixteen but at age sixteen a son should be treated as friend. I think it starts as ताड़येत षोडश वर्षे....

  2. Nice to know that you are encouraging your teenage son to read the blog. The main purpose for me to start it, was to encourage my own daughter to see and appreciate what our ancestors left behind for us!

    The sholka you have mentioned goes as follows -
    काक चेष्ठा बकध्यानं श्वाननिद्रा तथैव च
    अल्पाहारी गृहत्यागी विध्यार्थीनां पञ्चलक्षणम्

    The other one you have referred to, is at the link below.


    There a couple others about children on similar lines



  3. Very interesting to learn these. Thank you Kaavya Ma'am.
