July 14th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
सन्तोषस्त्रिषु कर्तव्यः कलत्रे भोजने धने ।
त्रिषु चैव न कर्तव्यः अध्ययने जपदानयोः ॥

- समयोचितपद्यरत्नमालिका

santoṣastriṣu kartavyaḥ kalatre bhojane dhane ।
triṣu caiva na kartavyaḥ adhyayane japadānayoḥ ॥
- samayocitapadyaratnamālikā

Meaning of the subhAShita:
There should be satisfaction in 3 (aspects): wife, food, money. There should be no satisfaction in 3 (others): learning, meditating, giving.

One rule isn't applicable to all issues! 'Satisfaction' is a strange thing. Experiencing it in some aspects gives peace but experiencing it in others, hinders progress.

One should be happy and contented with: his spouse, the food he eats and the wealth he possesses. Dissatisfaction in these will lead to unrest and constant agitation towards acquiring something more or someone better! Moreover, these are NOT factors which lead one towards the purpose of life. So, better be happy with what there is while working on the true quest of life.

However, complacency and contentment should have no place when it comes to: learning, meditating or giving. One can never say that he has learnt everything and is very satisfied with his knowledge base. Knowing everything good that there is to know cannot happen until one is a jīvanmukta-puruṣa (a liberated soul)! Therefore, never be satisfied with learning.

'I've put in this many hours, so I'm done for the week' - works only at the office. There is no end to meditation. Prayer is talking to God, but meditation is listening to Him! Meditation is not just chanting the name of the Lord with closed eyes. Having Him in your thoughts every step of the way, through every action, every minute, is constant meditation. There is no upper ceiling on how much meditation one can do. Keep His thoughts going!

Giving is the most selfless action which reiterates that material possessions are temporary. To give, one has to be selfless and unattached. Both are beneficial for raising the soul to a platform closer to Him. Give heartily. There are always people who can use the help.

Be satisfied with your fortune, but dissatisfied with your intellect.  Keep learning!

pada vigrahaH:
सन्तोषः त्रिषु कर्तव्यः कलत्रे भोजने धने ।
santoṣaḥ triṣu kartavyaḥ kalatre bhojane dhane ।

त्रिषु च एव न कर्तव्यः अध्ययने जप-दानयोः ॥
triṣu ca eva na kartavyaḥ adhyayane japa-dānayoḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
santoShastriShu kartavyaH kalatre bhojane dhane ।
triShu chaiva na kartavyaH adhyayane japadaanayoH ॥
- samayochitapadyaratnamaalikaa

santoShaH triShu kartavyaH kalatre bhojane dhane ।
triShu cha eva na kartavyaH adhyayane japa-daanayoH ॥

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