July 22nd

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
रत्नाकरः किं करोति स्वरत्नैः
विन्ध्याचलः किं करिभिः करोति ।
श्रीखन्ण्डखण्डैर्मलयाचलः किं
परोपकाराय सतां विभूतयः ॥
- सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागार

ratnākaraḥ kiṃ karoti svaratnaiḥ
vindhyācalaḥ kiṃ karibhiḥ karoti ।
śrīkhanṇḍakhaṇḍairmalayācalaḥ kiṃ
paropakārāya satāṃ vibhūtayaḥ ॥
- subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāra

Meaning of the subhAShita:
What will the ocean do with its own gems? What will the vindhyā mountain do with the elephants (dwelling) there? Of what use are the sandal trees to the malaya mountain? The wealth of the noble is for the benefaction of others.

Most people spend their wealth on themselves—there's no greatness in that!

Yet, nature offers countless examples that stand in contrast to this mindset. An ocean is a storehouse for multitudes of precious gems. But does it use even a single prized stone to deck itself up? The vindhyā mountain is the house for many herds of elephants. Yet it does not direct them to work for its needs! There are more sandalwood trees on the malaya mountain than in any other place on Earth. But the mountain doesn't have any use for them!

Similarly, the noble do not obsess over their possessions. Instead, they put their wealth to use for the benefit of others. They are neither selfish nor attached to their material possessions. For them, 'using their wealth for the right purpose' takes more priority than 'for whom it is being used'!

If you have much, give your wealth; if you have little, certainly give your heart! There is never a scarcity for that! Just do every action wholeheartedly. The results will increase multifold.

pada vigrahaH:
रत्नाकरः किं करोति स्व-रत्नैः
ratnākaraḥ kiṃ karoti sva-ratnaiḥ

विन्ध्याचलः किं करिभिः करोति ।
vindhyācalaḥ kiṃ karibhiḥ karoti ।

श्रीखन्ण्ड-खण्डैः मलयाचलः किं
śrīkhanṇḍa-khaṇḍaiḥ malayācalaḥ kiṃ

पर-उपकाराय सतां विभूतयः ॥
para-upakārāya satāṃ vibhūtayaḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
ratnaakaraH kiM karoti svaratnaiH
vindhyaachalaH kiM karibhiH karoti ।
shrIkhanNDakhaNDairmalayaachalaH kiM
paropakaaraaya sataaM vibhUtayaH ॥
- subhaaShitaratnabhaaNDaagaara

ratnaakaraH kiM karoti sva-ratnaiH
vindhyaachalaH kiM karibhiH karoti ।
shrIkhanNDa-khaNDaiH malayaachalaH kiM
para-upakaaraaya sataaM vibhUtayaH ॥

1 comment:

  1. Once again, this reminded me of the Sanskrit words of wisdom I used to hear from my father.
    Apart from the precious cool wisdom of this pearl,in this warm warm weather,its good to be thinking of mountains and ocean: विन्ध्याचल,मलयाचल, रत्नाकर. We took a trip to Sandy Hook beach on Friday.
