July 25th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
मूर्खस्तु परिहर्तव्यः प्रत्यक्षो द्विपदः पशुः ।
भिनत्ति वाक्यशूलेन अदृष्टः कण्ठको यथा ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

mūrkhastu parihartavyaḥ pratyakṣo dvipadaḥ paśuḥ ।
bhinatti vākyaśūlena adṛṣṭaḥ kaṇṭhako yathā ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
A foolish person should be shunned just like a two-legged animal. He pierces with verbal spears, just as an invisible thorn does.

When one is pricked by a thorn, it hurts, and the immediate instinct is to remove it. But what if the thorn is invisible or lodged so deep that it cannot be reached? The poet likens a foolish person to such a thorn—difficult to get rid of and a constant source of irritation. Similarly, an ignorant individual uses rude and thoughtless words as verbal spears, relentlessly poking and provoking others just to elicit a reaction.

The poet takes this comparison further, equating such a person to an animal with only two legs. While most animals have four legs, this two-legged "animal" exhibits behavior no different from theirs. Animals act instinctively, often unaware of the emotions or feelings of others. Yet, even animals have been known to display compassion in unexpected circumstances. But this two-legged "animal," devoid of empathy and reason, seems beyond remedy. The wisest course of action is simply to avoid such a person.

Humans are celebrated as "the cleverest living beings." Let us live up to that reputation and not devolve into "two-legged fools." A little wisdom and empathy can preserve the dignity of being truly human.

pada vigrahaH:
मूर्खः तु परिहर्तव्यः प्रत्यक्षः द्विपदः पशुः ।
mūrkhaḥ tu parihartavyaḥ pratyakṣaḥ dvipadaḥ paśuḥ ।

भिनत्ति वाक्य-शूलेन अ-दृष्टः कण्ठकः यथा ॥
bhinatti vākya-śūlena a-dṛṣṭaḥ kaṇṭhakaḥ yathā ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
mUrkhastu parihartavyaH pratyakSho dvipadaH pashuH ।
bhinatti vaakyashUlena adRuShTaH kaNThako yathaa ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

mUrkhaH tu parihartavyaH pratyakShaH dvipadaH pashuH ।
bhinatti vaakya-shUlena a-dRuShTaH kaNThakaH yathaa ॥

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