July 13th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
सकृत्कन्दुकपातेन पतत्यार्यः पतन्नपि ।
तथा पतति मूर्खस्तु मृत्‍पिण्डपतनं यथा ॥

- पञ्चतन्त्र

sakṛtkandukapātena patatyāryaḥ patannapi ।
tathā patati mūrkhastu mṛt‍piṇḍapatanaṃ yathā ॥
- pañcatantra

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Oh, gentleman! The meritorious, even when they fall do not (seem) fallen, like a ball. Whereas, a foolish person falls just like a lump of clay.

No journey is always trending upward! There are always ups and downs in any path—with many pitfalls and positive moments.

As for the falls—the difference between the meritorious and the foolish is just as evident as the drop of a ball vs. a lump of clay. The meritorious bounce back instantaneously, as if they never fell, just like a bouncing ball and they reach higher heights! However, the foolish will fall and collapse to the ground like a lump of clay! There is no bounce in a lump of clay, it is heavy and shatters on the very first contact with the ground.  On the other hand, a ball stays in perfect shape. In fact, it translates the energy from the fall to bounce higher! The exemplary are just the same. No fall will perturb them from their task, but instead, it gives them more perseverance to achieve their task faster and better!

Take every experience as a learning opportunity and work harder again.  Be determined! Do not let the roadblocks perturb your resolve. 

pada vigrahaH:
सकृत् कन्दुक-पातेन पतति आर्यः पतन् न अपि ।
sakṛt kanduka-pātena patati āryaḥ patan na api ।

तथा पतति मूर्खः तु मृत्‍पिण्ड-पतनं यथा ॥
tathā patati mūrkhaḥ tu mṛt‍piṇḍa-patanaṃ yathā ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
sakRutkandukapaatena patatyaaryaH patannapi ।
tathaa patati mUrkhastu mRutpiNDapatanaM yathaa ॥
- pa~nchatantra

sakRut kanduka-paatena patati aaryaH patan na api ।
tathaa patati mUrkhaH tu mRutpiNDa-patanaM yathaa ॥

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