Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
सम्पत्सु महतां चित्तं भवत्युत्पलकोमलम् ।
आपत्सु च महाशैलशिलासंघातकर्कशम् ॥
- नीतिशतक
sampatsu mahatāṃ cittaṃ bhavatyutpalakomalam ।
āpatsu ca mahāśailaśilāsaṃghātakarkaśam ॥
- nītiśataka
Meaning of the subhAShita:
In prosperity, the minds of noble people become as tender as the lotus. In hardships, their thinking is as rugged as the pile of rocks on a huge mountain.
It is not a "one size fits all" approach. The noble know how to balance their emotions, responding appropriately to different situations.
A commoner might lose control upon witnessing prosperity, figuratively soaring high with excitement as if their feet no longer touch the ground. In contrast, prosperity humbles the noble, making them as gentle as a lotus. They dedicate themselves to the welfare of others, yet remain aware of the fleeting nature of wealth. They don’t let it inflate their ego or sway their humility.
When faced with hardships, however, the noble shed their gentleness and become as unyielding as a pile of rocks atop a vast mountain. Why this comparison, instead of simply saying "as hard as a rock"? The mountain itself is rugged and harsh. For a pile of rocks to endure and remain steadfast on top of it, they must be even more resilient than the rocks scattered on the streets. The determination of the noble in the face of adversity is unmatched. In contrast, the average person may crumble under hardship, losing their faith, confidence, and will.
Transform your wounds into wisdom and never succumb to despair. Adversity is one of the greatest teachers, so learn your lessons!
pada vigrahaH:
सम्पत्सु महतां चित्तं भवति उत्पल-कोमलम् ।
sampatsu mahatāṃ cittaṃ bhavati utpala-komalam ।
आपत्सु च महा-शैल-शिला-संघात-कर्कशम् ॥
āpatsu ca mahā-śaila-śilā-saṃghāta-karkaśam ॥
sampatsu mahataaM chittaM bhavatyutpalakomalam ।
aapatsu cha mahaashailashilaasaMghaatakarkasham ॥
- nItishataka
sampatsu mahataaM chittaM bhavati utpala-komalam ।
aapatsu cha mahaa-shaila-shilaa-saMghaata-karkasham ॥
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