March 2nd

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
हीयते हि मतिस्तात हीनैः सह समागमात् ।
समैश्च समतामेति विशिष्टैश्च विशिष्टताम् ॥

- हितोपदेश

hīyate hi matistāta hīnaiḥ saha samāgamāt ।
samaiśca samatāmeti viśiṣṭaiśca viśiṣṭatām ॥
- hitopadeśa

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Oh, Sir! In the company of the inferior, intellect attains inferiority; with equals, it attains evenness; with the distinguished, it excels!

As is the company, so will the intellect prosper.

Just as one rotten apple spoils the whole lot, a company of the forsaken makes one perform deeds that are forbidden. There isn't any positive growth. On the contrary, there is deterioration. At any cost, one should keep away from such influences.

Being with equals does no harm to one's thinking prospects. They do not drop in the growth chart, but they also do not attain greater heights either. Their progress plateaus and knowledge stagnates. Although this is not as bad as the previous kind of association, it isn't very beneficial either.

Association of the distinguished and wise makes even a dull-witted person, wise. There is no downside to this kind of company. One does not fall off from his level of intellect nor does he stagnate. However small, there is growth for sure! One should always aim at a higher target and keep his eyes on goals that make him better with each passing day. This is possible only when the company kept is stellar.

Keep good friends!

pada vigrahaH:
हीयते हि मतिः तात हीनैः सह समागमात् ।
hīyate hi matiḥ tāta hīnaiḥ saha samāgamāt ।

समैः च समताम् एति विशिष्टैः च विशिष्टताम् ॥
samaiḥ ca samatām eti viśiṣṭaiḥ ca viśiṣṭatām ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
hIyate hi matistaata hInaiH saha samaagamaat ।
samaishcha samataameti vishiShTaishcha vishiShTataam ॥
- hitopadesha

hIyate hi matiH taata hInaiH saha samaagamaat ।
samaiH cha samataam eti vishiShTaiH cha vishiShTataam ॥

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