March 19th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
ईप्सितं मनसः सर्वं कस्य सम्पद्यते सुखम् ।
दैवाऽयुक्तं यतः सर्वं तस्मात्सन्तोषमाश्रयेत् ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

īpsitaṃ manasaḥ sarvaṃ kasya sampadyate sukham ।
daivā'yuktaṃ yataḥ sarvaṃ tasmātsantoṣamāśrayet ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
How many (people) procure all the pleasures that are desired by the mind? Everything is as God appointed it to be. Hence, practice happiness (contentment).

Not everyone in this world gets all their desires fulfilled.  Or, must we say, NO ONE in this world fulfills all their desires! We wouldn't be called humans if every wish of ours would be a command and would be fruitful at every turn of life! Every outcome will be exactly as He, the Supreme Lord, desires it to be. His law is unquestionable as we are unaware of all the variables that go into an equation. A wish is either granted or rejected as per our efforts, our dedication, the lessons we need to learn, and also, per our deeds from previous births.

When an outcome can't be changed, one should learn to be happy with any result he gets. Because, no matter how much he frets, it won't change the end result. So, why not take it in stride and be happy always! That is why the poet says, 'practice happiness', 'take shelter in happiness'. Whether the result is desirable or not, happiness should remain unaltered.

Be Happy, no matter the outcome! Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success.   

pada vigrahaH:
ईप्सितं मनसः सर्वं कस्य सम्पद्यते सुखम् ।
īpsitaṃ manasaḥ sarvaṃ kasya sampadyate sukham ।

दैव-आयुक्तं यतः सर्वं तस्मात् सन्तोषम् आश्रयेत् ॥
daiva-āyuktaṃ yataḥ sarvaṃ tasmāt santoṣam āśrayet ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
IpsitaM manasaH sarvaM kasya sampadyate sukham ।
daivaa.yuktaM yataH sarvaM tasmaatsantoShamaashrayet ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

IpsitaM manasaH sarvaM kasya sampadyate sukham ।
daiva-aayuktaM yataH sarvaM tasmaat santoSham aashrayet ॥

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