March 16th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
सर्वथा सुकरं मित्रं दुष्करं परिपालनम् ।
अनित्यत्वात्तु चित्तानां मतिरल्पेऽपि भिद्यते ॥

- रामायण, किष्किन्धा

sarvathā sukaraṃ mitraṃ duṣkaraṃ paripālanam ।
anityatvāttu cittānāṃ matiralpe'pi bhidyate ॥
- rāmāyaṇa, kiṣkindhā

Meaning of the subhAShita:
It is easy to earn friends, but very hard to keep them. As the mind is transient, it (friendship) can be broken by a petty conflict.

In this world, making friends is one of the easiest chores. Initially, the camaraderie can build nicely; one might find a lot of common interests with the other. But suddenly, a misunderstanding may arise and put an end to the whole relationship itself!

This verse says, "It is very easy to make friends but very difficult to nurture and nourish the friendship." The reason for this is the mind. By nature, the mind is unstable, transient, uncertain, and ephemeral. Therefore, the slightest conflict can cause a rift and pull people apart.

Beware of such causes. Do not ruin a good friendship due to petty misunderstandings. Rise above the petty mind.  True friendship is not about being there when it is convenient, it is about being there when it is not!

pada vigrahaH:
सर्वथा सुकरं मित्रं दुष्करं परिपालनम् ।
sarvathā sukaraṃ mitraṃ duṣkaraṃ paripālanam ।

अनित्यत्वात् तु चित्तानां मतिः अल्पे अपि भिद्यते ॥
anityatvāt tu cittānāṃ matiḥ alpe api bhidyate ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
sarvathaa sukaraM mitraM duShkaraM paripaalanam ।
anityatvaattu chittaanaaM matiralpe.pi bhidyate ॥
- raamaayaNa, kiShkindhaa

sarvathaa sukaraM mitraM duShkaraM paripaalanam ।
anityatvaat tu chittaanaaM matiH alpe api bhidyate ॥

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