Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
बह्वाशी अल्पसन्तुष्टः सुनिद्रः शीघ्रचेतनः ।
प्रभुभक्तिश्च शौर्यञ्च मन्तव्याः षट् शुनो गुणाः ॥
- चाणक्य नीति
bahvāśī alpasantuṣṭaḥ sunidraḥ śīghracetanaḥ ।
prabhubhaktiśca śauryañca mantavyāḥ ṣaṭ śuno guṇāḥ ॥
- cāṇakya nīti
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Has many desires; is satiated with little; sleeps deeply; quick to alert; faithfulness to the master; and courage—these 6 efficacies of a dog are honorable.
There is a lesson to learn from every being!
Actually 6, from a dog. A dog has many desires and eats well when food is offered. But if there isn't any food, he is just as happy. He is a sound sleeper, yet he stirs at the slightest noise. He is ever faithful to his master. The master's own kith and kin may leave his side, but the dog he fed will never leave him. Unlike some humans, backstabbing is a concept unknown to him. He is brave and will risk his life if required, to save his master.
Doesn't philosophy tell us to be happy with what we have?! Doesn't philosophy tell us to be aware and alert in the mind always?! Faithfulness is never put down in any school of thought. Courage is of course needed, not just for survival, but for venturing out into the unknown as well. Hence, there are valuable lessons to be learnt from every being, even a dog.
Great is his soul, who can recognize the greatness in another being, irrespective of his lineage, social stature, acquaintances, or even if it belongs to a different species! There is something of value in everyone.
pada vigrahaH:
बहु-आशी अल्प-सन्तुष्टः सुनिद्रः शीघ्र-चेतनः ।
bahu-āśī alpa-santuṣṭaḥ sunidraḥ śīghra-cetanaḥ ।
प्रभु-भक्तिः च शौर्यं च मन्तव्याः षट् शुनः गुणाः ॥
prabhu-bhaktiḥ ca śauryaṃ ca mantavyāḥ ṣaṭ śunaḥ guṇāḥ ॥
Doesn't philosophy tell us to be happy with what we have?! Doesn't philosophy tell us to be aware and alert in the mind always?! Faithfulness is never put down in any school of thought. Courage is of course needed, not just for survival, but for venturing out into the unknown as well. Hence, there are valuable lessons to be learnt from every being, even a dog.
Great is his soul, who can recognize the greatness in another being, irrespective of his lineage, social stature, acquaintances, or even if it belongs to a different species! There is something of value in everyone.
pada vigrahaH:
बहु-आशी अल्प-सन्तुष्टः सुनिद्रः शीघ्र-चेतनः ।
bahu-āśī alpa-santuṣṭaḥ sunidraḥ śīghra-cetanaḥ ।
प्रभु-भक्तिः च शौर्यं च मन्तव्याः षट् शुनः गुणाः ॥
prabhu-bhaktiḥ ca śauryaṃ ca mantavyāḥ ṣaṭ śunaḥ guṇāḥ ॥
bahvaashI alpasantuShTaH sunidraH shIghrachetanaH ।
prabhubhaktishcha shaurya~ncha mantavyaaH ShaT shuno guNaaH ॥
- chaaNakya nIti
bahu-aashI alpa-santuShTaH sunidraH shIghra-chetanaH ।
prabhu-bhaktiH cha shauryaM cha mantavyaaH ShaT shunaH guNaaH ॥
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