Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
कुग्रामवासः कुजनस्य सेवा
कुभोजनं क्रोधमुखी च भार्या ।
मूर्खश्च पुत्रो विधवा च कन्या
दहन्ति चैतानि जनं विनाग्निम् ॥
- सुभाषितरत्नसमुच्चय
kugrāmavāsaḥ kujanasya sevā
kubhojanaṃ krodhamukhī ca bhāryā ।
mūrkhaśca putro vidhavā ca kanyā
dahanti caitāni janaṃ vināgnim ॥
- subhāṣitaratnasamuccaya
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Life in an ill-fated village; serving evil people; banal food; a wrathful wife; a stupid son; and a widowed daughter—these (six) burn one without the requirement of fire.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
- Living in unfavorable circumstances and conditions is not fun. Living among people who do not have value for dharma or living in an ambiance that brings misery is not pleasant either.
- When subservient to evil people, one must kill his own conscience. There is no hell worse than having to silence one's inner voice and slug along life, under an evildoer.
- All the efforts and endeavors one undertakes, are for the sake of his stomach. At the end of the day, whether one is rich or poor, his efforts are to satiate his palette. If the food is stale and unhealthy, that will negate all his efforts put into earning it. He would neither enjoy eating such food nor does it assist in nurturing his health. It only aids in slowly killing the person.
- A wife is the backbone of the household in many respects. She needs to be strong, yet pleasant because she serves as the shock absorber for the entire family. If the shock absorber is not efficient the family will not be cushioned from calamities. If the spouse is always wrathful and angry-faced instead of peaceful and relaxed, one will not look forward to coming to a place called home. The pleasantness of the husband and wife towards each other is an integral part of a successful household.
- Every parent wants their children to prosper in life. With this in mind, they equip their children with education, for, that alone is the tool for leading a happy life. What if the son is a dullard and refuses to learn?! The parents of such children suffer anxiety throughout their lives.
- No parent wants to see their offspring suffer pain of any order. How can parents see their daughter suffer the loss of her husband?! Sorrow of the child is like a death sentence to the parents.
Some of these circumstances are destiny. But whatever is within our control, shouldn't we take charge of those?! Shouldn't we make sure that our own lives and the lives of those around us are as happy as we can make?!
pada vigrahaH:
कुग्राम-वासः कुजनस्य सेवा
kugrāma-vāsaḥ kujanasya sevā
कुभोजनं क्रोध-मुखी च भार्या ।
kubhojanaṃ krodha-mukhī ca bhāryā ।
मूर्खः च पुत्रः विधवा च कन्या
mūrkhaḥ ca putraḥ vidhavā ca kanyā
दहन्ति च एतानि जनं विना अग्निम् ॥
dahanti ca etāni janaṃ vinā agnim ॥
kugraamavaasaH kujanasya sevaa
kubhojanaM krodhamukhI cha bhaaryaa ।
mUrkhashcha putro vidhavaa cha kanyaa
dahanti chaitaani janaM vinaagnim ॥
- subhaaShitaratnasamuchchaya
kugraama-vaasaH kujanasya sevaa
kubhojanaM krodha-mukhI cha bhaaryaa ।
mUrkhaH cha putraH vidhavaa cha kanyaa
dahanti cha etaani janaM vinaa agnim ॥
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