Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
मनसा चिन्तितं कार्यं वाचा नैव प्रकाशयेत् ।
मन्त्रेण रक्षयेद्गूढं कार्ये चापि नियोजयेत् ॥
- चाणक्य नीति
manasā cintitaṃ kāryaṃ vācā naiva prakāśayet ।
mantreṇa rakṣayedgūḍhaṃ kārye cāpi niyojayet ॥
- cāṇakya nīti
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Do not manifest the deed that was thought in your mind into words. Protect it as if it were a secret spell and enjoin it with action, too.
It is generally seen that when one thinks of performing a deed, especially a good one, he wants remuneration from everyone around him. So, well ahead of time, he creates a lot of commotion about it so that all eyes are on him while he is executing his idea. This is a big NO-NO, for many reasons—
- He may not start the job he spoke about for multiple reasons.
- His ideas may change.
- The available resources may change and hence alter the outcome he anticipated.
- He may not be able to complete the job due to unanticipated obstacles.
- The very pressure to perform that particular task, to keep his word, may end up affecting his performance.
Feeding one's need for attention and appreciation will not allow him to offer his best to the task at hand. Most of all, bragging is done in the spirit of feeding the ego rather than doing the (good) deed itself! Hence, work more and talk less. Just perform the task and let the outcome speak for you.
pada vigrahaH:
मनसा चिन्तितं कार्यं वाचा न एव प्रकाशयेत् ।
manasā cintitaṃ kāryaṃ vācā na eva prakāśayet ।
मन्त्रेण रक्षयेत् गूढं कार्ये च अपि नियोजयेत् ॥
mantreṇa rakṣayet gūḍhaṃ kārye ca api niyojayet ॥
pada vigrahaH:
मनसा चिन्तितं कार्यं वाचा न एव प्रकाशयेत् ।
manasā cintitaṃ kāryaṃ vācā na eva prakāśayet ।
मन्त्रेण रक्षयेत् गूढं कार्ये च अपि नियोजयेत् ॥
mantreṇa rakṣayet gūḍhaṃ kārye ca api niyojayet ॥
manasaa chintitaM kaaryaM vaachaa naiva prakaashayet ।
mantreNa rakShayedgUDhaM kaarye chaapi niyojayet ॥
- chaaNakya nIti
manasaa chintitaM kaaryaM vaachaa na eva prakaashayet ।
mantreNa rakShayet gUDhaM kaarye cha api niyojayet ॥
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