October 23rd

Sanskrit Pearl of the day: 
गीती शीघ्री शिरःकम्पी यथालिखितपाठकः ।
अनर्थज्ञोऽल्पकण्ठश्च षडेते पाठकाधमाः ॥

- पाणिनीयशिक्षा

gītī śīghrī śiraḥkampī yathālikhitapāṭhakaḥ ।
anarthajño'lpakaṇṭhaśca ṣaḍete pāṭhakādhamāḥ ॥
- pāṇinīyaśikṣā

Meaning of the subhAShita: 
These are the six qualities of a bad reader - (reading) like a song; in a hurry; shaking the head; just as is written; without knowing the meaning;  and in a low tone.

Having the below 6 qualities do not give one the title of a 'Good Reader'.
  1.  Reading with a tune, as if the text were a song
  2.  Reading in a hurry and swallowing up the syllables
  3.  Nodding the head or shaking some part of the body while reading
  4.  Reading just as is written, even if there were errors
  5.  Reading without understanding the meaning of the text
  6.  Reading with a tone so low that even the person sitting in front has to perk up his ears
Obviously, to be a good reader, one should do the exact opposite of the above qualities.

A good reader should read - with proper intonation, at a pace that others can understand, keep an alert and upright posture, correct errors if any, have a good grasp of the subject, and have a clear/crisp tone of voice with precision in pronunciation.

When a person is reading, the listener should be able to grasp the meaning instantly.  The reader should pay attention to the words and read them like he means them.

Reading is always a good idea.  Becoming a good reader is a greater one!

pada vigrahaH: 
गीती शीघ्री शिरः-कम्पी यथा लिखित पाठकः ।
gītī śīghrī śiraḥ-kampī yathā likhita pāṭhakaḥ ।

अनर्थज्ञः अल्प-कण्ठः च षट् एते पाठक अधमाः ॥
anarthajñaḥ alpa-kaṇṭhaḥ ca ṣaṭ ete pāṭhaka adhamāḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
gItI shIghrI shiraHkampI yathaalikhitapaaThakaH ।
anarthajno.lpakaNThashcha ShaDete paaThakaadhamaaH ॥
- paaNineeyashikShaa

gItI shIghrI shiraH-kampI yathaa likhita paaThakaH ।
anarthaj~naH alpa-kaNThaH cha ShaT ete paaThaka adhamaaH ॥


  1. Very nice , thanks much ! But can all the related shlokas be explained like this ?

  2. गीती शीघ्री शिरःकम्पी तथा लिखितपाठकः ।
    अनर्थज्ञोऽल्पकण्ठश्च षडेते पाठकाधमाः ।। ३२ ।।

    माधुर्यमक्षरव्यक्तिः पदच्छेदस्तु सुस्वरः ।
    धैर्यं लयसमर्थं च षडेते पाठकाः गुणाः ।। ३३ ।।

    शङ्कितं भीतिमुद्घृष्टमव्यक्तमनुनासिकम् ।
    काकस्वरं शिरसि गतं तथा स्थानविवजिर्तम् ।। ३४ ।।

    उपांशु दष्टं त्वरितं निरस्तं विलम्बितं गद्गदितं प्रगीतम् ।
    निष्पीडितं ग्रस्तपदाक्षरं च वदेन्न दीनं न तु सानुनास्यम् ।। ३५ ।।

    प्रातः पठेन्नित्यमुरःस्थितेन स्वरेण शार्दूलरुतोपमेन ।
    मध्यन्दिने कण्ठगतेन चैव चक्राह्वसङ्कूजितसन्निभेन ।। ३६ ।।

    तारं तु विद्यात्सवनं तृतीयं शिरोगतं तच्च सदा प्रयोज्यम् ।
    मयूरहंसान्यभृतस्वराणां तुल्येन नादेन शिरःस्थितेन ।। ३७ ।।

    1. Sorry, Sasmita. Not planning to add any verses at this time as I am working on the online webinars.
