October 16th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
वृथा वृष्टिः समुद्रेषु वृथा तृप्‍तस्य भोजनम् ।
वृथा दानं समर्थेभ्यः वृथा दीपो दिवापि च ॥
- सुभाषितरत्नसमुच्चय

vṛthā vṛṣṭiḥ samudreṣu vṛthā tṛp‍tasya bhojanam ।
vṛthā dānaṃ samarthebhyaḥ vṛthā dīpo divāpi ca ॥
- subhāṣitaratnasamuccaya

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Rain on the ocean is futile; feeding the satiated is in vain; bestowal to an able person is unnecessary; lighting a lamp in sunlight is useless.

At the right place, at the right time!

Waste isn't waste until we waste it. When performing deeds, one should be aware of their usefulness.  Although the deed is performed in good faith, the recipient should be worthy of it, too. Money given as charity to the needy cannot be equated to money given to the already wealthy!

  1. The cool fresh waters of rain go futile when showered on the salty ocean. There is more than sufficient water in an ocean in the first place, and the rainwater won't make the water any less salty either. Hence, it is a wasted effort. But the same shower of rain in a desert will be very welcome.
  2. Feeding the already fed—even if an elaborate menu is laid out in front of them, they wouldn't be in a position to enjoy it. The needy and hungry are the ones who know the value of food, they should be fed instead.
  3. Giving charity to the already rich and well-to-do doesn't even make sense!
  4. What is the use of lighting a lamp during broad daylight when the Sun is shining bright? There is no requirement.
Our deeds should be—in the right place, at the right time. The waste of plenty is the resource of scarcity. Be judicious.

pada vigrahaH:
वृथा वृष्टिः समुद्रेषु वृथा तृप्‍तस्य भोजनम् ।
vṛthā vṛṣṭiḥ samudreṣu vṛthā tṛp‍tasya bhojanam ।

वृथा दानं समर्थेभ्यः वृथा दीपः दिवापि च ॥
vṛthā dānaṃ samarthebhyaḥ vṛthā dīpaḥ divāpi ca ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
vRuthaa vRuShTiH samudreShu vRuthaa tRuptasya bhojanam ।
vRuthaa daanaM samarthebhyaH vRuthaa deepo divaapi cha ॥
- subhaaShitaratnasamuchchaya

vRuthaa vRuShTiH samudreShu vRuthaa tRuptasya bhojanam ।
vRuthaa daanaM samarthebhayaH vRuthaa deepaH divaapi cha ॥

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