October 2nd

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
नरस्याभरणं रूपं रूपस्याभरणं गुणाः ।
गुणस्याभरणं ज्ञानं ज्ञानस्याभरणं क्षमा ॥

- सुभाषितरत्नसमुच्चय

narasyābharaṇaṃ rūpaṃ rūpasyābharaṇaṃ guṇāḥ ।
guṇasyābharaṇaṃ jñānaṃ jñānasyābharaṇaṃ kṣamā ॥
- subhāṣitaratnasamuccaya

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Form (appearance) is an adornment to man, virtues are an adornment to the form, knowledge is an adornment to virtue, and forgiveness adorns knowledge.

We have all heard the saying, 'Beauty is skin deep'.  The verse says, 'It sure is!' True beauty must be adorned with virtues that come from within. The virtues themselves need to be accompanied by knowledge. Knowledge is also not enough if not accompanied by forgiveness.

History proves that violence breeds violence. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind!  Doesn't it?  Forgiveness is the gift through which wounds heal and love blossoms again. The beauty of forgiveness is what makes a person, pleasant and appealing.  It is the trait that sets one apart.  It is the one true virtue that enhances all others. 

Forgive and forget!  It is an attribute of a strong person.  

pada vigrahaH:
नरस्य आभरणं रूपं रूपस्य आभरणं गुणाः ।
narasya ābharaṇaṃ rūpaṃ rūpasya ābharaṇaṃ guṇāḥ ।

गुणस्य आभरणं ज्ञानं ज्ञानस्य आभरणं क्षमा ॥
guṇasya ābharaṇaṃ jñānaṃ jñānasya ābharaṇaṃ kṣamā ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
narasyaabharaNaM rUpaM rUpasyaabharaNaM guNaaH ।
guNasyaabharaNaM j~naanaM j~naanasyaabharaNaM kShamaa ॥
- subhaaShitaratnasamuchchaya

narasya aabharaNaM rUpaM rUpasya aabharaNaM guNaaH ।
guNasya aabharaNaM j~naanaM j~naanasya aabharaNaM kShamaa ॥

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