November 27th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
गुशब्दस्त्वन्धकारः रुशब्दस्तु तन्निवारकः ।
अन्धकार निरोधत्वात् गुरुरित्यभिधीयते ॥

guśabdastvandhakāraḥ ruśabdastu tannivārakaḥ ।
andhakāra nirodhatvāt gururityabhidhīyate ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
The word 'gu' stands for darkness; the word 'ru' stands for the removal of that (darkness). Due to the removal of darkness, (he) is called a 'guru' (teacher).

A teacher is not only the person at school who officially teaches others to read and write. Any person who gives insight into life essentials acquires the position of a 'guru'. Ignorance is considered as 'darkness'. Knowledge, on the contrary, is regarded as light. Just as there can't be darkness where there is light, there can't be ignorance where there is knowledge. Any person who helps to eradicate darkness will be termed a 'guru'.  We will have multiple gurus along our different paths of life.

There is not a thing in this world that can match what we receive from a guru. A guru is someone that each and every one of us is highly indebted to.

Revere Gurus always!

pada vigrahaH:
गु-शब्दः तु अन्धकारः रु-शब्दः तु तत् निवारकः ।
gu-śabdaḥ tu andhakāraḥ ru-śabdaḥ tu tat nivārakaḥ ।

अन्धकार-निरोधत्वात् गुरुः इति अभिधीयते ॥
andhakāra-nirodhatvāt guruḥ iti abhidhīyate ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
gushabdastvandhakaaraH rushabdastu tannivaarakaH ।
andhakaara nirodhatvaat gururityabhidhIyate ॥

gu-shabdaH tu andhakaaraH ru-shabdaH tu tat nivaarakaH ।
andhakaara-nirodhatvaat guruH iti abhidhIyate ॥

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