November 19th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अति दानाद्बलिर्बद्धः ह्यति मानात् सुयोधनः ।
अति लौल्याद्रावणो हन्तः अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् ॥

ati dānādbalirbaddhaḥ hyati mānāt suyodhanaḥ ।
ati laulyādrāvaṇo hantaḥ ati sarvatra varjayet ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Bali was bound because of his extreme charity, Suyodhana (Duryodhana) was killed due to his excessive pride, (and) far too much lust brought an end to Rāvaṇa. (Hence) give up 'excess' in everything.

Moderation is the key!

Bali, Duryodhana and Rāvaṇa have set examples of how NOT to overindulge in any kind of vasanās or tendencies.

It is known that Bali was very famous for his charity.  He gave so much that he gave up himself!  Not that it was a bad outcome as he surrendered to Lord Viṣṇu in the end, but it was his 'pride' about being able to give anything that brought about his demise. He was bound by his overzealousness in giving.

An insatiable desire for material pleasures, pride, and ego caused Duryodhana's downfall.  He was not ready to yield to any advice nor heed any wellwishers' words.

Rāvaṇa broke the barrier of lust when he abducted Sītā.  By wanting to marry another's wife, he asked for his own death.

Anything that exceeds the required boundaries will prove fatal. Like they say, 'Too much of anything is too bad'. Even if one is eating their most favorite dish, they can relish it only for so long as it will begin to lose its allure. However if one eats forcefully, it becomes a health hazard. Similarly, anything that crosses over the limit brings unwanted repercussions. Check thy habits.  Know thy limits.

pada vigrahaH:
अति दानात् बलिः बद्धः हि अति मानात् सुयोधनः ।
ati dānāt baliḥ baddhaḥ hi ati mānāt suyodhanaḥ ।

अति लौल्यात् रावणः हन्तः अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् ॥
ati laulyāt rāvaṇaḥ hantaḥ ati sarvatra varjayet ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
ati daanaadbalirbaddhaH hyati maanaat suyodhanaH ।
ati loulyaadraavaNo hantaH ati sarvatra varjayet ॥

ati daanaat baliH baddhaH hi ati maanaat suyodhanaH ।
ati loulyaat raavaNaH hantaH ati sarvatra varjayet ॥