November 12th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
धनिकः श्रोत्रियो राजा नदी वैद्यस्तु पञ्चमः ।
पञ्च यत्र न विद्यन्ते न तत्र दिवसं वसेत् ॥

- हितोपदेश, मित्रलाभ

dhanikaḥ śrotriyo rājā nadī vaidyastu pañcamaḥ ।
pañca yatra na vidyante na tatra divasaṃ vaset ॥
- hitopadeśa, mitralābha

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Do not live in a place, even for a single day, where the following 5 are not available—a wealthy person, theologian, king, river, and the doctor is the fifth.

Basic essentials!

When civilizations emerged, the early settlers would see if the land they selected was appropriate to build their society and if the basic necessities were satisfied.

Similarly, in a land where we want to call home, there should be:
  1. Wealthy person—indicates prosperity.
  2. Theologian—represents the faith and education of the society.
  3. King (not necessarily the same designation, but a leader)—depicts order in the society and not anarchy.
  4. River—shows that the land is cultivatable and will aid in prosperity.
  5. Doctor—so that in times of illness, care is available instantaneously.
These five essentials promise progress and prosperity to the community.  Also, it is the responsibility and prime duty of these figures, to make sure that society receives their services in a timely and appropriate manner.

Make a home where there are prospects for prosperity!

pada vigrahaH:
धनिकः श्रोत्रियः राजा नदी वैद्यः तु पञ्चमः ।
dhanikaḥ śrotriyaḥ rājā nadī vaidyaḥ tu pañcamaḥ ।

पञ्च यत्र न विद्यन्ते न तत्र दिवसं वसेत् ॥
pañca yatra na vidyante na tatra divasaṃ vaset ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
dhanikaH shrotriyo raajaa nadI vaidyastu pa~nchamaH ।
pa~ncha yatra na vidyante na tatra divasaM vaset ॥
- hitopadesha, mitralaabha

dhanikaH shrotriyaH raajaa nadI vaidyaH tu pa~nchamaH ।
pa~ncha yatra na vidyante na tatra divasaM vaset ॥

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