November 18th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
सुखार्थी वा त्यजेद्विद्यां विद्यार्थी वा त्यजेत्सुखम् ।
सुखार्थिनः कुतो विद्या कुतो विद्यार्थिनः सुखम् ॥

- महाभारत, उद्योगपर्व

sukhārthī vā tyajedvidyāṃ vidyārthī vā tyajetsukham ।
sukhārthinaḥ kuto vidyā kuto vidyārthinaḥ sukham ॥
- mahābhārata, udyogaparva

Meaning of the subhAShita:
If one is a seeker of pleasures then he should give up (the quest for) vidyā (knowledge); if he is a seeker of knowledge then he should forego comforts. For the one longing for comfort, where does knowledge come from? For the one desirous of knowledge, where do comforts come from?

Convenience and scholarship do not go hand in hand... If one goes east, the other goes west! One who longs to learn and yearns for knowledge cannot afford to bask in comfort. A student should work towards learning more every minute of the day. His thoughts and deeds should always be oriented toward achieving a higher goal. Only then, can one be called a true student!

When presented with a choice, the seeker of knowledge chooses to pursue the path of knowledge as against choosing something that gives momentary pleasure.  If hard work is his weapon, success will be his slave. 

Let's keep learning.  Let's keep working! 

pada vigrahaH:
सुख-अर्थी वा त्यजेत् विद्यां विद्या-अर्थी वा त्यजेत् सुखम्।
sukha-arthī vā tyajet vidyāṃ vidyā-arthī vā tyajet sukham।

सुख-अर्थिनः कुतः विद्या कुतः विद्या-अर्थिनः सुखम् ॥
sukha-arthinaḥ kutaḥ vidyā kutaḥ vidyā-arthinaḥ sukham ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
sukhaarthI vaa tyajedvidyaaM vidyaarthI vaa tyajetsukham ।
sukhaarthinaH kuto vidyaa kuto vidyaarthinaH sukham ॥
- mahaabhaarata, udyogaparva

sukha-arthI vaa tyajet vidyaaM vidyaa-arthI vaa tyajet sukham ।
sukha-arthinaH kutaH vidyaa kutaH vidyaa-arthinaH sukham ॥


  1. I had been longing to read this Subhaashitaani...thanks a lot!

  2. :) You are very welcome. One of my favorites too!

  3. Venu gopal A N4/22/11, 12:02 PM

    well written subhashitha.It is like two things can not occupy the same place at the same time.
