November 24th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
दानं भोगो नाशस्तिस्रो गतयो भवन्ति वित्तस्य  ।
यो न ददाति न भुङ्क्ते तस्य तृतीया गतिर्भवति ॥

- नीतिशतक

dānaṃ bhogo nāśastisro gatayo bhavanti vittasya ।
yo na dadāti na bhuṅkte tasya tṛtīyā gatirbhavati ॥
- nītiśataka

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Charity, indulgence, and destruction are the 3 alternatives to wealth. One who does not use his wealth for charitable giving, or self-enjoyment will eventually attain the third state.

One's wealth and possessions are the most temporary of all. Wealth can attain 3 different outcomes -
  1. It can be utilized for charitable purposes, and given for the benefit of others.
  2. It can be used in self-indulgence; to entertain and please oneself.
  3. It can be destroyed by falling into the wrong hands, theft, fire, or other types of natural calamities.
Wealth that doesn't achieve the first or second state will automatically attain the third.

One's wealth or resources shouldn't be limited to stagnation in a bank account.  Instead, it has to be put to use. This is a message for the stingy: accumulating wealth meaninglessly is not worthwhile. Even if one succeeds in keeping all his acquisitions intact until his last breath, they won't pass over with him to the afterlife. After his death, there is no guarantee that his wealth will be put to good use or fall into the wrong hands. What is the use of such wealth that he neither enjoyed nor used to make someone else happy?!

Where wealth accumulates, men decay.  Life is not about accumulation, it is about contribution.  Give some; enjoy some!

pada vigrahaH:
दानं भोगः नाशः तिस्रः गतयः भवन्ति वित्तस्य ।
dānaṃ bhogaḥ nāśaḥ tisraḥ gatayaḥ bhavanti vittasya ।

यः न ददाति न भुङ्क्ते तस्य तृतीया गतिः भवति ॥
yaḥ na dadāti na bhuṅkte tasya tṛtīyā gatiḥ bhavati ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
daanaM bhogo naashastisro gatayo bhavanti vittasya ।
yo na dadaati na bhu~nkte tasya tRuteeyaa gatirbhavati ॥
- nItishataka

daanaM bhogaH naashaH tisraH gatayaH bhavanti vittasya ।
yaH na dadaati na bhu~nkte tasya tRuteeyaa gatiH bhavati ॥

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