November 11th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
हंसः श्वेतो बकः श्वेतः को भेदो बकहंसयोः ।
नीरक्षीरविवेके तु हंसो हंसो बको बकः ॥

haṃsaḥ śveto bakaḥ śvetaḥ ko bhedo bakahaṃsayoḥ ।
nīrakṣīraviveke tu haṃso haṃso bako bakaḥ ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
The swan is white; the stork is white. What's the difference between the swan and the stork? When it comes to the knowledge of water and milk, a swan is a swan; and a stork is a stork.

Allegory says that a swan has the capability of separating milk from water. If a bowl of milk mixed with water is offered, it supposedly will only take the milk particles leaving the water behind! The stork obviously doesn't possess this skill. He might look like a swan; travel with a swan; fly, walk or even act like a swan. But that doesn't make him a swan.

The metaphor of the swan and stork is given to people. They have to be who they are. It won't do any good to talk, walk or pretend to be someone else...

External appearances don't make a difference, it's what's inside that matters!

pada vigrahaH:
हंसः श्वेतः बकः श्वेतः कः भेदः बक हंसयोः ।
haṃsaḥ śvetaḥ bakaḥ śvetaḥ kaḥ bhedaḥ baka haṃsayoḥ ।

नीर क्षीर विवेके तु हंसः हंसः बकः बकः ॥
nīra kṣīra viveke tu haṃsaḥ haṃsaḥ bakaḥ bakaḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
haMsaH shvetao bakaH shvetaH ko bhedo bakahaMsayoH ।
nIrakShIraviveke tu haMso haMso bako bakaH ॥

haMsaH shvetaH bakaH shvetaH kaH bhedaH baka haMsayoH ।
nIra kShIra viveke tu haMsaH haMsaH bakaH bakaH ॥

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