Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
प्रदोषे दीपकश्चन्द्रः प्रभाते दीपको रविः ।
त्रैलोक्ये दीपको धर्मः सुपुत्रः कुलदीपकः ॥
pradoṣe dīpakaścandraḥ prabhāte dīpako raviḥ ।
trailokye dīpako dharmaḥ suputraḥ kuladīpakaḥ ॥
Meaning of the subhAShita:
The guiding light at night is the moon; the guiding light during the day is the sun; virtue is the guiding light in all 3 worlds; (and) a good progeny is a shining star for the entire clan.
Just as the sun and moon light up the skies during the day and night respectively, just as one's virtuous deeds are one's identity in all the 3 worlds, a well-groomed, learned, humble child (can be either a son or a daughter—stands for 'offspring') is an asset to the whole clan. He upholds and shines not only his own name, but the name of his parents, family, and friends around him.
Such children are not only assets to their own families but prized possessions of the entire community. Society becomes a much better place, due to a whole generation of such children. Hence, it becomes the prime responsibility of the parents to help the children shape themselves - not just as individuals, but also as kind, responsible, and respectable citizens of the world.
Such children are not only assets to their own families but prized possessions of the entire community. Society becomes a much better place, due to a whole generation of such children. Hence, it becomes the prime responsibility of the parents to help the children shape themselves - not just as individuals, but also as kind, responsible, and respectable citizens of the world.
Happiness is when we realize our children have turned out to be good people!
pradoṣe dīpakaḥ candraḥ prabhāte dīpakaḥ raviḥ ।
त्रैलोक्ये दीपकः धर्मः सुपुत्रः कुलदीपकः ॥
trailokye dīpakaḥ dharmaḥ suputraḥ kuladīpakaḥ ॥
pada vigrahaH:
प्रदोषे दीपकः चन्द्रः प्रभाते दीपकः रविः ।pradoṣe dīpakaḥ candraḥ prabhāte dīpakaḥ raviḥ ।
त्रैलोक्ये दीपकः धर्मः सुपुत्रः कुलदीपकः ॥
trailokye dīpakaḥ dharmaḥ suputraḥ kuladīpakaḥ ॥
pradoShe deepakashchandraH prabhaate deepako raviH ।
trailokye deepako dharmaH suputraH kuladeepakaH ॥
pradoShe deepakaH chandraH prabhaate deepakaH raviH ।
trailokye deepakaH dharmaH suputraH kuladeepakaH ॥