June 20th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
उपसर्गे अन्यचक्रे च दुर्भिक्षे च भयावहे ।
असाधुर्जनसंपर्के यः पलायति स जीवति ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

upasarge anyacakre ca durbhikṣe ca bhayāvahe ।
asādhurjanasaṃparke yaḥ palāyati sa jīvati ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
He who runs—in times of retreat, when in others' territory, in famine, in fear, or in association with evil-doers—survives.

It is rightly said, 'If you cannot walk away from negative people, try the next best thing—RUN!'
  1. When the whole army is retreating, is it sane for a lone soldier to charge forward?
  2. When one steps out of one's boundaries and lands on others' property, it is not a safe haven for him anymore.
  3. In times of famine, if one cannot fend for himself and his family, what is the point of guarding the place?
  4. When the opponent is much stronger and instills fear in the person, what is the point in marching on?  Upon coming face-to-face with a Lion, what if one says, 'I won't run away, because only cowards run?!'
  5. Company of the evil—this one is the worst of all! It does no good in any which way. Knowing so, if one still hangs around just so others don't call him a coward, doesn't make any sense.
In all these circumstances, if one takes a step back or runs away (keeps away), it is not called 'cowardice', it is called 'common sense'.  Sometimes, taking that retreat is more appropriate than charging ahead.

Running away is not always cowardice, it is survival sometimes! So, survive!! :)

pada vigrahaH:
उपसर्गे अन्य-चक्रे च दुर्भिक्षे च भयावहे ।
upasarge anya-cakre ca durbhikṣe ca bhayāvahe ।

असाधुः जन-संपर्के यः पलायति सः जीवति ॥
asādhuḥ jana-saṃparke yaḥ palāyati saḥ jīvati ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
upasarge anyachakre cha durbhikShe cha bhayaavahe ।
asaadhurjanasaMparke yaH palaayati sa jIvati ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

upasarge anya-chakre cha durbhikShe cha bhayaavahe ।
asaadhuH jana-saMparke yaH palaayati saH jIvati ॥

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