Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
वस्त्रेण वपुषा वाचा विद्यया विनयेन च ।
वकारैः पञ्चभिर्हीनः नरो नायाति गौरवम् ॥
vastreṇa vapuṣā vācā vidyayā vinayena ca ।
vakāraiḥ pañcabhirhīnaḥ naro nāyāti gauravam ॥
Meaning of the subhAShita:
A person without all these 5 'va' kāra-s (words starting with 'va') does not attain respect—clothes, appearance, speech, knowledge, and humility.
For a person to attain respect, there are a few basic requirements. All the five requirements quoted here start with the Sanskrit alphabet 'va'.
vastreṇa vapuṣā vācā vidyayā vinayena ca ।
वकारैः पञ्चभिः हीनः नरः न आयाति गौरवम् ॥
vakāraiḥ pañcabhiḥ hīnaḥ naraḥ na āyāti gauravam ॥
- vastra (clothes)—For humans, being clothed in society is necessary. It doesn't have to be extravagant and expensive, just decent and appropriate.
- vapuṣā (appearance)—This is not just referring to physical beauty, but more to the presentability of a person. It is about inner beauty and cleanliness.
- vācā (speech)—One's speech should be pleasant, appealing, and harmless.
- vidyaa (knowledge, education)—A person needs to have this to possess the above three 'va'kāra-s. Education gives one awareness of the world (and himself). It is also the one surefire way to attain liberation (mukti).
- vinaya (humility). This is the most important adornment to any human being. Whether one is rich or poor, young or old - humility is the one adornment he can carry with him at all times.
pada vigrahaH:
वस्त्रेण वपुषा वाचा विद्यया विनयेन च ।vastreṇa vapuṣā vācā vidyayā vinayena ca ।
वकारैः पञ्चभिः हीनः नरः न आयाति गौरवम् ॥
vakāraiḥ pañcabhiḥ hīnaḥ naraḥ na āyāti gauravam ॥
vastreNa vapuShaa vaachaa vidyayaa vinayena cha ।
vakaaraiH pa~nchabhirhInaH naro naayaati gauravam ॥
vastreNa vapuShaa vaachaa vidyayaa vinayena cha ।
vakaaraiH pa~nchabhiH hInaH naraH na aayaati gauravam ॥
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