April 2nd

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
यथा चतुर्भिः कनकं परीक्ष्यते निघर्षणच्छेदनतापताडनैः ।
तथा चतुर्भिः पुरुषः परीक्ष्यते त्यागेन शीलेन गुणेन कर्मणा ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

yathā caturbhiḥ kanakaṃ parīkṣyate nigharṣaṇacchedanatāpatāḍanaiḥ ।
tathā caturbhiḥ puruṣaḥ parīkṣyate tyāgena śīlena guṇena karmaṇā ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Just as gold is tested through rubbing, cutting, heating, and beating; a man is examined on four (fronts)—liberality, character, efficacy (and) action.

Gold is the most malleable and ductile element. It can be beaten into the thinnest sheets or stretched to make the longest threads. Its luster is unique too. A goldsmith, who works day in and day out with the metal, checks for the authenticity of the gold brought to him. His modus operandi is rubbing it against a rough touchstone. Real gold won't lose its shine or leave streaks. In this process of evaluation, he beats it, heats it, and cuts.

Similarly, the testing grounds for a person are:
  1. Liberality—how generous he is in his giving; it could be his wealth, services, or even compassion.
  2. Character—his values and morals come under this umbrella.
  3. Efficacy—his nature, temperament, and attributes in general.
  4. Action—deeds. There must be an alignment in what is thought, said, and done. Actions speak louder than words. 
A person is graded based on these 4 aspects.  Know your moral grounds.

pada vigrahaH:
यथा चतुर्भिः कनकं परीक्ष्यते निघर्षण-छेदन-ताप-ताडनैः ।
yathā caturbhiḥ kanakaṃ parīkṣyate nigharṣaṇa-chedana-tāpa-tāḍanaiḥ ।

तथा चतुर्भिः पुरुषः परीक्ष्यते त्यागेन शीलेन गुणेन कर्मणा ॥
tathā caturbhiḥ puruṣaḥ parīkṣyate tyāgena śīlena guṇena karmaṇā ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
yathaa chaturbhiH kanakaM parIkShyate nigharShaNachChedanataapataaDanaiH ।
tathaa chaturbhiH puruShaH parIkShyate tyaagena shIlena guNena karmaNaa ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

yathaa chaturbhiH kanakaM parIkShyate nigharShaNa-Chedana-taapa-taaDanaiH ।
tathaa chaturbhiH puruShaH parIkShyate tyaagena shIlena guNena karmaNaa ॥

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