Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
शतेषु जायते शूरः सहस्रेषु च पण्डितः ।
वक्ता दशसहस्रेषु दाता भवति वा न वा ॥
- व्यासस्मृति
śateṣu jāyate śūraḥ sahasreṣu ca paṇḍitaḥ ।
vaktā daśasahasreṣu dātā bhavati vā na vā ॥
- vyāsasmṛti
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Among a hundred a brave one is born, among a thousand a scholar, and among ten thousand an orator. Does a giver (even) exist or not?!
Not everyone born is brave enough to tackle all kinds of tasks. People have phobias ranging from claustrophobia (fear of enclosed small spaces) to hydrophobia (fear of water) to a simple triskaidekaphobia (fear of number 13)! Hence, a truly brave person is one in a hundred.
Anyone can be educated, but a true scholar is one in a thousand.
'Oration' is a skill in itself. One could be the most knowledgeable person, but when asked to present his ideas, he could become speechless! Someone hilariously said, 'I'd rather be in the casket than give the eulogy!' Fear of public speaking is that intense! Not everyone has a flair for it. One in ten thousand is born a good orator.
Then, the poet suspects if a true giver has ever been born or not! A true giver is one who 'gives and forgets' without prejudices. If such people are rarely born, then how can anyone write statistics as to "one in how many are born?!"
This is one verse where the poet would be pleased to be disproved! Being generous is a rare trait and unfortunately, not many people inculcate it. No one has ever become poor by giving. So, give and give generously!
pada vigrahaH:
शतेषु जायते शूरः सहस्रेषु च पण्डितः ।
śateṣu jāyate śūraḥ sahasreṣu ca paṇḍitaḥ ।
वक्ता दश-सहस्रेषु दाता भवति वा न वा ॥
vaktā daśa-sahasreṣu dātā bhavati vā na vā ॥
Anyone can be educated, but a true scholar is one in a thousand.
'Oration' is a skill in itself. One could be the most knowledgeable person, but when asked to present his ideas, he could become speechless! Someone hilariously said, 'I'd rather be in the casket than give the eulogy!' Fear of public speaking is that intense! Not everyone has a flair for it. One in ten thousand is born a good orator.
Then, the poet suspects if a true giver has ever been born or not! A true giver is one who 'gives and forgets' without prejudices. If such people are rarely born, then how can anyone write statistics as to "one in how many are born?!"
This is one verse where the poet would be pleased to be disproved! Being generous is a rare trait and unfortunately, not many people inculcate it. No one has ever become poor by giving. So, give and give generously!
pada vigrahaH:
शतेषु जायते शूरः सहस्रेषु च पण्डितः ।
śateṣu jāyate śūraḥ sahasreṣu ca paṇḍitaḥ ।
वक्ता दश-सहस्रेषु दाता भवति वा न वा ॥
vaktā daśa-sahasreṣu dātā bhavati vā na vā ॥
shateShu jaayate shUraH sahasreShu cha paNDitaH ।
vaktaa dashasahasreShu daataa bhavati vaa na vaa ॥
- vyaasasmRuti
shateShu jaayate shUraH sahasreShu cha paNDitaH ।
vaktaa dasha-sahasreShu daataa bhavati vaa na vaa ॥