April 10th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
धनधान्यप्रयोगेषु विद्यासङ्ग्रहणेषु च ।
आहारे व्यवहारे च त्यक्तलज्जः सुखी भवेत् ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

dhanadhānyaprayogeṣu vidyāsaṅgrahaṇeṣu ca ।
āhāre vyavahāre ca tyaktalajjaḥ sukhī bhavet ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
In dealing with money and riches, earning knowledge, eating, and comportment—he who is not shy prospers.

When one is running a business and dealing with money and materials, he can not afford to be shy. He can't feel inhibited in asking for money from his customers. Otherwise, in no time, he will run into losses and his business will fall apart.

A person on a quest for knowledge cannot permit himself to be shy. On the path of learning, it is natural to have many questions. One needs to be bold to get his doubts clarified. As they say, 'He who asks a question might seem like a fool for five minutes; he who does not, remains one forever!' Shyness cannot be proactive towards learning. 

While eating, one cannot entertain shyness. He would have to say what he wants and what he doesn't. One may be able to accommodate and be guarded for a day or two, but in the long run, he is better off expressing his preferences.

One's conduct or approach towards people is very crucial in progressing in his career or in society. He should be able to express his views and ideas as and when appropriate. If he is of a bashful nature, he will not be able to present himself or his thoughts accurately.

Shyness, in any of the above scenarios, will not make a person happy. When he is not happy, he can not prosper. Hence, pack up your shyness and speak up! There is no substitute for you!!

pada vigrahaH:
धन-धान्य-प्रयोगेषु विद्या-सङ्ग्रहणेषु च ।
dhana-dhānya-prayogeṣu vidyā-saṅgrahaṇeṣu ca ।

आहारे व्यवहारे च त्यक्त-लज्जः सुखी भवेत् ॥
āhāre vyavahāre ca tyakta-lajjaḥ sukhī bhavet ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
dhanadhaanyaprayogeShu vidyaasa~ngrahaNeShu cha ।
aahaare vyavahaare cha tyaktalajjaH sukhI bhavet ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

dhana-dhaanya-prayogeShu vidyaa-sa~ngrahaNeShu cha ।
aahaare vyavahaare cha tyakta-lajjaH sukhI bhavet ॥

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