April 24th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
तुष्यन्ति भोजने विप्राः मयूरा घनगर्जिते ।
साधवः परसम्पत्तौ खलाः परविपत्तिषु ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

tuṣyanti bhojane viprāḥ mayūrā ghanagarjite ।
sādhavaḥ parasampattau khalāḥ paravipattiṣu ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Pleased are the Brahmins (priests) in food, peacocks in the roaring of the clouds (thunder), the noble in abundance (prosperity) of others, (whereas) wicked people in others' calamities.

A Brahmin is considered to be fond of food. If he needs to be enticed, feeding him delicacies is the way.

Peacocks adore the clouds. They are so delighted when it rains that they spread their beautiful feathers and dance. The sound of thunder is very appealing to them because it is a harbinger of the rains soon to arrive.

Noble people always think about the welfare of others. Their efforts are also directed towards that purpose. The noble are blissful upon seeing others happy, contented, and prosperous.

On the other hand, the wicked-minded, revel in the adversities of others. They spend all their mental energy calculating how to afflict more trouble on everyone around them. When calamity strikes others, they are completely enthralled.

A little empathy goes a long way! It is the bridge that connects hearts and minds. It is the most radical of human emotions. Be empathetic to others instead of rejoicing in their pain.

pada vigrahaH:
तुष्यन्ति भोजने विप्राः मयूराः घन-गर्जिते ।
tuṣyanti bhojane viprāḥ mayūrāḥ ghana-garjite ।

साधवः पर-सम्पत्तौ खलाः पर-विपत्तिषु ॥
sādhavaḥ para-sampattau khalāḥ para-vipattiṣu ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
tuShyanti bhojane vipraaH mayUraa ghanagarjite ।
saadhavaH parasampattau khalaaH paravipattiShu ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

tuShyanti bhojane vipraaH mayUraaH ghana-garjite ।
saadhavaH para-sampattau khalaaH para-vipattiShu ॥

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Mercy in thought and deed has been promised Mercy every time it is needed.
