Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
विद्वत्वं च नृपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन ।
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥
- सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागार
vidvatvaṃ ca nṛpatvaṃ ca naiva tulyaṃ kadācana ।
svadeśe pūjyate rājā vidvān sarvatra pūjyate ॥
- subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāra
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Scholarliness and kingship can never be equated. A king is respected in his own land, (whereas) a scholar is revered everywhere.
A king is the Lord of his own land or country. All his subjects respect him for the office he holds. But that only goes so far. Beyond his land, he cannot execute his authority, or he may not even be recognized.
Knowledge and scholarship have no boundaries of any kind. Knowledge is the universal truth; it holds significance at all times and on all lands. Therefore, a scholar is revered everywhere.
Gaining knowledge is much more beneficial than conquering kingdoms!
pada vigrahaH:
विद्वत्वं च नृपत्वं च न एव तुल्यं कदाचन ।
vidvatvaṃ ca nṛpatvaṃ ca na eva tulyaṃ kadācana ।
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥
svadeśe pūjyate rājā vidvān sarvatra pūjyate ॥
Knowledge and scholarship have no boundaries of any kind. Knowledge is the universal truth; it holds significance at all times and on all lands. Therefore, a scholar is revered everywhere.
Gaining knowledge is much more beneficial than conquering kingdoms!
pada vigrahaH:
विद्वत्वं च नृपत्वं च न एव तुल्यं कदाचन ।
vidvatvaṃ ca nṛpatvaṃ ca na eva tulyaṃ kadācana ।
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥
svadeśe pūjyate rājā vidvān sarvatra pūjyate ॥
vidvatvaM cha nRupatvaM cha naiva tulyaM kadaachana ।
svadeshe pUjyate raajaa vidvaan sarvatra pUjyate ॥
- subhaaShitaratnabhaaNDaagaara
vidvatvaM cha nRupatvaM cha na eva tulyaM kadaachana ।
svadeshe pUjyate raajaa vidvaan sarvatra pUjyate ॥
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