May 19th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
अकारणं रूपमकारणं कुलम् ।
महत्सु नीचेषु च कर्मैव शोभते ॥

- पञ्चरात्र

akāraṇaṃ rūpamakāraṇaṃ kulam ।
mahatsu nīceṣu ca karmaiva śobhate ॥
- pañcarātra

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Beauty is of no bearing, lineage is non-instrumental. Be it the mighty or the insignificant, their deeds are that which shine.

Beauty is only skin deep and has little importance, just like one's lineage or family background.  The beauty (or the lack of it) is God-given.  And one's lineage is also God-given - this is destiny at work!  When those aspects are beyond one's control, how can he expect to reap benefits based on them?!

What is in one's control, however, are his actions. Actions speak volumes about a person's character, illustrating his opinions, morals and ethics.  It is one's actions that define his position in society among peers; one's actions determine if a person is noble or insignificant.

A man becomes great by deeds, not birth. A good deed is never lost!

pada vigrahaH:
अकारणं रूपम् अकारणं कुलम् ।
akāraṇaṃ rūpam akāraṇaṃ kulam ।

महत्सु नीचेषु च कर्म एव शोभते ॥
mahatsu nīceṣu ca karma eva śobhate ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
akaaraNaM rUpamakaaraNaM kulam ।
mahatsu nIcheShu cha karmaiva shobhate ॥
- pa~ncharaatra

akaaraNaM rUpam akaaraNaM kulam ।
mahatsu nIcheShu cha karma eva shobhate ॥

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