Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
दूरस्थोऽपि समीपस्थः यो यस्य हृदि वर्तते ।
यो यस्य हृदये नास्ति समीपस्थोऽपि दूरगः ॥
- सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागार
dūrastho'pi samīpasthaḥ yo yasya hṛdi vartate ।
yo yasya hṛdaye nāsti samīpastho'pi dūragaḥ ॥
- subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāra
Meaning of the subhAShita:
In whose heart one is, he is considered as 'near' even if he is far away. If (he is) not in the heart, even being close by (physically), he is distant.
One may sit with the same person, work with the same person, or even live with the same person all the time. If the well-being of the other is not in your heart, what is the purpose of that proximity?! If his company is not enjoyed and you are not looking forward to seeing the person again, then the closeness of distance is of no use.
On the contrary, a person may live on the other side of the planet but constantly be thinking of someone else and his welfare. He is always itching to see and talk to this other person. He has a certain level of comfort with the other person that he feels like sharing everything with him. In such a case, the physical distance is no factor at all! They are held together tightly by the bond they carry in their hearts. That carries more value than anything else.
The greatest distance between two people is—misunderstanding. Geographical distance never separates people who care for one another. It is not physical proximity, but the emotional proximity that truly matters!
pada vigrahaH:
दूरस्थः अपि समीपस्थः यः यस्य हृदि वर्तते ।
dūrasthaḥ api samīpasthaḥ yaḥ yasya hṛdi vartate ।
यः यस्य हृदये न अस्ति समीपस्थः अपि दूरगः ॥
yaḥ yasya hṛdaye na asti samīpasthaḥ api dūragaḥ ॥
On the contrary, a person may live on the other side of the planet but constantly be thinking of someone else and his welfare. He is always itching to see and talk to this other person. He has a certain level of comfort with the other person that he feels like sharing everything with him. In such a case, the physical distance is no factor at all! They are held together tightly by the bond they carry in their hearts. That carries more value than anything else.
The greatest distance between two people is—misunderstanding. Geographical distance never separates people who care for one another. It is not physical proximity, but the emotional proximity that truly matters!
pada vigrahaH:
दूरस्थः अपि समीपस्थः यः यस्य हृदि वर्तते ।
dūrasthaḥ api samīpasthaḥ yaḥ yasya hṛdi vartate ।
यः यस्य हृदये न अस्ति समीपस्थः अपि दूरगः ॥
yaḥ yasya hṛdaye na asti samīpasthaḥ api dūragaḥ ॥
dUrastho.pi samIpasthaH yo yasya hRudi vartate ।
yo yasya hRudaye naasti samIpastho.pi dUragaH ॥
- subhaaShitaratnabhaaNDaagaara
dUrasthaH api samIpasthaH yaH yasya hRudi vartate ।
yaH yasya hRudaye na asti samIpasthaH api dUragaH ॥