September 5th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
देहे पातिनि का रक्षा यशो रक्ष्यमपातवत् ।
नरः पातितकायोऽपि यशःकायेन जीवति ॥

- सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागार

dehe pātini kā rakṣā yaśo rakṣyamapātavat ।
naraḥ pātitakāyo'pi yaśaḥkāyena jīvati ॥
- subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāra

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Why protect the body that is bound to fall off?  Honor should be protected from falling. Even when the body is thrown, the being lives through his honor.

Immortality is not for the body. 

If one wishes to live eternally, the footprints he needs to leave behind are not his physical ones, but those of his deeds. Desirous of immortality, many beings have performed penances to live forever. We all have to die at one point or the other. What is the point of protecting the physical body that is eventually bound to be discarded? 

However, whether one is alive or not, the seeds of the deeds he has sown live on. His valor and honor never die. Not only his glory lives on but his deeds live on too. For, his life will prove to be an inspiration for many, for generations to come! This way, the society at large benefits not only from his deeds alone but also from the actions of those who are inspired by him. As such, he becomes immortal through his venerable actions!

What we do for ourselves fades away with us, but what we do for others and the world leaves a lasting legacy. That is true immortality. While death is inevitable for all, the aim should not be to live forever but to create something that will endure long after we're gone!

pada vigrahaH:
देहे पातिनि का रक्षा यशः रक्ष्यम् अपातवत् ।
dehe pātini kā rakṣā yaśaḥ rakṣyam apātavat ।

नरः पातित-कायः अपि यशः-कायेन जीवति ॥
naraḥ pātita-kāyaḥ api yaśaḥ-kāyena jīvati ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
dehe paatini kaa rakShaa yasho rakShyamapaatavat ।
naraH paatitakaayo.pi yashaHkaayena jIvati ॥
- subhaaShitaratnabhaaNDaagaara

dehe paatini kaa rakShaa yashaH rakShyam apaatavat ।
naraH paatita-kaayaH api yashaH-kaayena jIvati ॥

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