September 20th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
रोहते सायकैर्विद्धं वनं परशुना हतम् ।
वाचा दुरुक्तं बीभत्सं न सम्रोहति वाक्क्षतम् ॥

- महाभारत, उद्योगपर्व

rohate sāyakairviddhaṃ vanaṃ paraśunā hatam ।
vācā duruktaṃ bībhatsaṃ na samrohati vākkṣatam ॥
- mahābhārata, udyogaparva

Meaning of the subhAShita:
The (injury) caused by an arrow might heal; a forest felled with an axe may sprout. (But) the (wound) caused by a spiteful, mean word will barely recover.

Physical injuries are quick to mend. The body has the natural ability to try to fix the wound at the earliest. Even if chopped to the ground with an axe, plants have the strength to sprout forth new growth again. But, when a spiteful word is spoken, the damage caused is tremendous!

Without any physical contact, one can easily hurt someone's heart and kill their spirit. Words have colossal power hidden in them. They can either make or break the listener at many levels. One has to be very cautious at all times and watch his words. Sped arrows and spoken words can never be taken back. Once out of the mouth, it can be considered as permanent as written on stone. They get etched in the mind of the listener forever.

Speech is often regretted. Sticks and stones may break the bones, but spiteful words can kill the heart! Words and hearts must be handled with care, for words when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest things to repair. Taking a moment to think before saying something might save a lot of grief for everyone involved. 

pada vigrahaH:
रोहते सायकैः विद्धं वनं परशुना हतम् ।
rohate sāyakaiḥ viddhaṃ vanaṃ paraśunā hatam ।

वाचा दुर्-उक्तं बीभत्सं न सम्-रोहति वाक्-क्षतम् ॥
vācā dur-uktaṃ bībhatsaṃ na sam-rohati vāk-kṣatam ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
rohate saayakairviddhaM vanaM parashunaa hatam ।
vaachaa duruktaM bIbhatsaM na samrohati vaakkShatam ॥
- mahaabhaarata, udyogaparva

rohate saayakaiH viddhaM vanaM parashunaa hatam ।
vaachaa dur-uktaM bIbhatsaM na sam-rohati vaak-kShatam ॥


  1. Your blog has brought great solace to me. Especially this one. When my head is ready to forgive but my heart continues to hurt by some unfair words. Thank you fit being a bridge to the great wisdom on Hindu scriptures.

    1. Glad you like it :). The greatness of ancient scriptures and literature is par excellence! If we are able to keep it alive with our little contribution, we would have all done our share in transferring the legacy for generations to come ...
