September 21st

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
श्रेयांसि बहु विघ्नानि भवन्ति महतामपि ।
अश्रेयसि प्रवृत्तानां दूरं यान्ति विनायकाः ॥

śreyāṃsi bahu vighnāni bhavanti mahatāmapi ।
aśreyasi pravṛttānāṃ dūraṃ yānti vināyakāḥ ॥

Meaning of the subhAShita:
For noble people who perform laudable deeds, there are many hurdles. From those involved in disgraceful deeds, even obstacles stay away!

There are always at least two paths to choose from—one easy and the other challenging.

The only reward for taking the easy route is its ease. The poet observes that even obstacles avoid the path of those engaged in disgraceful pursuits, preferring instead to accompany the noble. Perhaps that’s why the path to nobility is filled with more hurdles and why noble individuals face greater hardships. These struggles are what mold them into truly noble beings. This verse serves as a reminder to pursue dharma steadfastly, no matter the obstacles.

In essence, do not lose heart in the face of hardships. Do not sacrifice ethics for ease or trade morals for material gain. Obstacles signify opportunities to learn and grow. Stumbling blocks test one’s strength and commitment to righteousness. Struggles often mean you’ve chosen a path of integrity, not the easy, unethical one. Stay the course—soon, the light at the end of the tunnel will become visible.

Your destiny is shaped by the choices you make, not by chance. So, shape your destiny by choosing wisely!

pada vigrahaH:
श्रेयांसि बहु विघ्नानि भवन्ति महताम् अपि ।
śreyāṃsi bahu vighnāni bhavanti mahatām api ।

अश्रेयसि प्रवृत्तानां दूरं यान्ति विनायकाः ॥
aśreyasi pravṛttānāṃ dūraṃ yānti vināyakāḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
shreyaaMsi bahu vighnaani bhavanti mahataamapi ।
ashreyasi pravRuttaanaaM dUraM yaanti vinaayakaaH ॥

shreyaaMsi bahu vighnaani bhavanti mahataam api ।
ashreyasi pravRuttaanaaM dUraM yaanti vinaayakaaH ॥