Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
सत्यानुसारिणी लक्ष्मीः कीर्तिस्त्यागानुसारिणी ।
अभ्याससारिणी विद्या बुद्धिः कर्मानुसारिणी ॥
- सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागार
satyānusāriṇī lakṣmīḥ kīrtistyāgānusāriṇī ।
abhyāsasāriṇī vidyā buddhiḥ karmānusāriṇī ॥
- subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāra
Meaning of the subhAShita:
Wealth follows truthfulness; fame follows benefaction; knowledge follows practice; intellect follows implementation (action).
Where there is honesty, Goddess Lakṣmī (Goddess of wealth) resides. Goddess Lakṣmī is known for her affinity for honesty and cleanliness. Where there is no honesty, prosperity might seem to reside tentatively. But in the long run, such a person is certain to end up paying the price, one way or another. It is better to let prosperity take its course by being truthful because 'wealth follows honesty'.
Both the good people and the bad people make it to the newspaper. But which one becomes famous and which one becomes infamous? The morality and the liberality of actions of the good person take him to fame because 'fame follows benefaction'.
Knowledge is not a ready dish to be served up for the taking. It comes only through practicing over and over again. Learning and relearning until one has perfected the knowledge is the only way to go because 'knowledge follows practice'.
Intellect is something that comes along with one's implementation of his knowledge. For example, an architect can think of how to design a given space meticulously. That intellect comes to him due to constantly thinking in that module and working toward it. Hence, 'intellect follows implementation'.
No shortcuts. Take the right path, and reap the right results!
pada vigrahaH:
सत्य-अनुसारिणी लक्ष्मीः कीर्तिः त्याग-अनुसारिणी ।
satya-anusāriṇī lakṣmīḥ kīrtiḥ tyāga-anusāriṇī ।
अभ्यास-सारिणी विद्या बुद्धिः कर्म-अनुसारिणी ॥
abhyāsa-sāriṇī vidyā buddhiḥ karma-anusāriṇī ॥
Both the good people and the bad people make it to the newspaper. But which one becomes famous and which one becomes infamous? The morality and the liberality of actions of the good person take him to fame because 'fame follows benefaction'.
Knowledge is not a ready dish to be served up for the taking. It comes only through practicing over and over again. Learning and relearning until one has perfected the knowledge is the only way to go because 'knowledge follows practice'.
Intellect is something that comes along with one's implementation of his knowledge. For example, an architect can think of how to design a given space meticulously. That intellect comes to him due to constantly thinking in that module and working toward it. Hence, 'intellect follows implementation'.
No shortcuts. Take the right path, and reap the right results!
pada vigrahaH:
सत्य-अनुसारिणी लक्ष्मीः कीर्तिः त्याग-अनुसारिणी ।
satya-anusāriṇī lakṣmīḥ kīrtiḥ tyāga-anusāriṇī ।
अभ्यास-सारिणी विद्या बुद्धिः कर्म-अनुसारिणी ॥
abhyāsa-sāriṇī vidyā buddhiḥ karma-anusāriṇī ॥
satyaanusaariNI lakShmIH kIrtistyaagaanusaariNI ।
abhyaasasaariNI vidyaa buddhiH karmaanusaariNI ॥
- subhaaShitaratnabhaaNDaagaara
satya-anusaariNI lakShmIH kIrtiH tyaaga-anusaariNI ।
abhyaasa-saariNI vidyaa buddhiH karma-anusaariNI ॥
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