September 24th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव च ।
बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रग्रहमेव च ॥
- कठोपनिषत्

ātmānaṃ rathinaṃ viddhi śarīraṃ rathameva ca ।
buddhiṃ tu sārathiṃ viddhi manaḥ pragrahameva ca ॥
- kaṭhopaniṣat

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Know thyself as the traveler and body as the chariot. Perceive intellect as the charioteer and mind as its reins.

Who must be in charge? While riding in a chariot, who should have the final say? Should it be the chariot, the charioteer, the reins, or the horses! Actually, none of the above! The chariot, charioteer, and the horses—all of them are required to take instructions from the one traveling in the chariot. He is the one who knows his goal, his destination. So, he is the one who is required to know his path. 

The 5 senses are the horses and the sense objects are the various possible paths. One can take charge of his horses and lead them on the right track, or allow his horses to stray according to their own whims and fancies—choosing their own roads towards success or downfall. When this scenario can't procure great results, then how can allowing oneself to be led by one's senses be appropriate?!

Hearing only what pleases the ear will not end well. For, the ear wants to hear only praises! It doesn't want to heed any advice from anyone, whether valid or not.

Seeing only what pleases the eye isn't the best choice. For, the eye only likes to see what appeals, not the reality of things.

Letting the tongue taste all it wants can only bring harm to the person's health. Just because the tongue doesn't relish healthy food, one can't provide it with unhealthy, convenience food which is harmful in the long run. So on and so forth.

The best way is: to let the charioteer (intellect) have the reins (of the mind) in his control and make sure that the intellect listens to the traveler—the Self (finding this Self itself, is a quest of many lifetimes, with a much deeper import!)  Then, there will be no case of runaway horses or chariots and the traveler can safely reach his destination (attaining liberation).  When the charioteer is the Lord himself there is no doubt that the journey and the destination, become indisputable!

pada vigrahaH:
आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथम् एव च ।
ātmānaṃ rathinaṃ viddhi śarīraṃ ratham eva ca ।

बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रग्रहम् एव च ॥
buddhiṃ tu sārathiṃ viddhi manaḥ pragraham eva ca ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
aatmaanaM rathinaM viddhi sharIraM rathameva cha ।
buddhiM tu saarathiM viddhi manaH pragrahameva cha ॥
- kaThopaniShat

aatmaanaM rathinaM viddhi sharIraM ratham eva cha ।
buddhiM tu saarathiM viddhi manaH pragraham eva cha ॥

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