September 10th

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
तपः परं कृतयुगे त्रेतायां ज्ञानमुच्यते ।
द्वापरे यज्ञमित्यूचुः दानमेकं कलौ युगे ॥

- पराशरस्मृति

tapaḥ paraṃ kṛtayuge tretāyāṃ jñānamucyate ।
dvāpare yajñamityūcuḥ dānamekaṃ kalau yuge ॥
- parāśarasmṛti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
In Kṛtayuga penance was best; in Tretāyuga, knowledge, it is said; they say fire sacrifices in the Dvāparayuga; in Kaliyuga, it is only giving.

Kṛtayuga, also known as Satyayuga, is the first of the four ages in the cosmic cycle. During this era, rigorous penances were considered the most rewarding. Dharma was firmly established, and to be virtuous, one had to undergo intense penances and meditation.

As dharma began to decline, the next era, Tretāyuga, arrived. In this age, liberation could be attained through the path of jñāna (knowledge). Learning the scriptures and leading a pious life became the foundations of virtue.

The further dilution of dharma led to Dvāparayuga, where performing sacrifices and offering gifts to deities through fire rituals were necessary to increase one’s virtues.

Finally, as dharma continued to wane, we entered the age of Kaliyuga. In this era, time is scarce, and values are easily compromised. One must work hard to stay focused amidst distractions and temptations. The ego is so dominant that to be virtuous, one need only give selflessly. Virtue has become simpler to attain—there’s no need for extreme penances, deep scriptural knowledge, or complex sacrifices. Simply giving up attachment to possessions and sharing generously with others is all that is required to be virtuous. Is that too much to ask?

Giving can take many forms: "If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart." Parting with possessions is not as important as the spirit in which you give. True giving comes from selflessness.

Give from the heart!

pada vigrahaH:
तपः परं कृत-युगे त्रेतायां ज्ञानम् उच्यते ।
tapaḥ paraṃ kṛta-yuge tretāyāṃ jñānam ucyate ।

द्वापरे यज्ञम् इति ऊचुः दानम् एकं कलौ युगे ॥
dvāpare yajñam iti ūcuḥ dānam ekaṃ kalau yuge ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
tapaH paraM kRutayuge tretaayaaM j~naanamuchyate ।
dvaapare yaj~namityUchuH daanamekaM kalau yuge ॥
- paraasharasmRuti

tapaH paraM kRuta-yuge tretaayaaM j~naanam uchyate ।
dvaapare yaj~nam iti UchuH daanam ekaM kalau yuge ॥

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