Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
मधु पश्यति मूढात्मा प्रपातं नैव पश्यति ।
करोति निन्दितं कर्म नरकान्न बिभेति च ॥
- देवीभागवत
madhu paśyati mūḍhātmā prapātaṃ naiva paśyati ।
karoti ninditaṃ karma narakānna bibheti ca ॥
- devībhāgavata
Meaning of the subhAShita:
The foolish one sees the honey but not the chasm (that he is falling into). He performs despicable deeds and is not afraid of going to hell either!
The poet vividly portrays a foolish person who is so fixated on the honey in a hive perched atop a towering branch of a tree on a mountain that he fails to notice he is walking toward the edge of a cliff. The poet highlights that only a fool would be so blind to his surroundings. Here, the honey symbolizes the alluring worldly pleasures, while the cliff represents the inevitable pain and consequences they bring. Such thoughtless actions are despicable and should be avoided at all costs.
In real life, it is all too easy to slip from honorable and fall into despicable deeds. One must remain vigilant, constantly aware of his actions, and strive to avoid those that lack virtue. Scriptures warn that those who indulge in unworthy deeds will face dire consequences, often depicted as hell. A fool, despite knowing the immorality of his actions, is so entranced by the immediate allure—like the sweetness of honey—that he ignores the dangers ahead, just as the man walking toward the cliff overlooks the peril beneath him.
It is said, "Go to heaven for the climate and to hell for the company." Let this not be your fate! Each individual creates his own heaven or hell. Therefore, build your own heaven, and inspire those around you to do the same.
मधु पश्यति मूढ-आत्मा प्रपातं न एव पश्यति ।
madhu paśyati mūḍha-ātmā prapātaṃ na eva paśyati ।
करोति निन्दितं कर्म नरकात् न बिभेति च ॥
karoti ninditaṃ karma narakāt na bibheti ca ॥
madhu pashyati mUDhaatmaa prapaataM naiva pashyati ।
karoti ninditaM karma narakaanna bibheti cha ॥
- devIbhaagavata
madhu pashyati mUDha-aatmaa prapaataM na eva pashyati ।
karoti ninditaM karma narakaat na bibheti cha ॥
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