September 23rd

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
आचार्यात् पादमादत्ते पादं शिष्यः स्वमेधया ।
कालेन पादमादत्ते पादं सब्रह्मचारिभिः ॥  

-महाभारत, उद्योग

ācāryāt pādamādatte pādaṃ śiṣyaḥ svamedhayā ।
kālena pādamādatte pādaṃ sabrahmacāribhiḥ ॥
-mahābhārata, udyoga

Meaning of the subhAShita:
A (student) acquires a quarter (of the knowledge) from his teacher, a quarter from his own intelligence, a quarter is grasped over time (and) a quarter from his classmates.

For one's learning sources are many. One cannot expect a teacher to prepare a potent potion for every lesson and feed it to him all at once. The teacher's contribution to one's learning is only twenty-five percent. The other twenty-five percent comes from the student's own interests and perceptions. One quarter comes from his fellow mates. Due to differences in perception, fellow students might have a different outlook. Those outlooks give insight into the topic from a different angle many a times. Hence, even classmates contribute to one's learning.  Another quarter comes over time. Although one has memorized all the chapters and scriptures, new meanings shall dawn upon him over a period of time. With age and maturity, comes a deeper understanding of the concepts learnt in grade school sometimes!

Learning doesn't stop after graduation. Like the poet says, a quarter of the knowledge is gained over time! Learning is a constant process. Someone said, "I am learning all the time; my tombstone will be my diploma!"  Anyone who stops learning is old; his chronological age doesn't matter. There is something new to learn every day if one pays attention. Learning is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere. Why not learn with all effort and attention?!

pada vigrahaH:
आचार्यात् पादम् आदत्ते पादं शिष्यः स्व-मेधया ।
ācāryāt pādam ādatte pādaṃ śiṣyaḥ sva-medhayā ।

कालेन पादम् आदत्ते पादं सब्रह्मचारिभिः ॥
kālena pādam ādatte pādaṃ sabrahmacāribhiḥ ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
aachaaryaat paadamaadatte paadaM shiShyaH svamedhayaa ।
kaalena paadamaadatte paadaM sabrahmachaaribhiH ||
- mahaabhaarata, udyoga

aachaaryaat paadam aadatte paadaM shiShyaH sva-medhayaa ।
kaalena paadam aadatte paadaM sabrahmachaaribhiH ||

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