February 1st

Sanskrit Pearl of the day:
न देवो विद्यते काष्ठे न पाषाणे न मृण्मये ।
भावे हि विद्यते देवः तस्माद्भावो हि कारणम् ॥

- चाणक्य नीति

na devo vidyate kāṣṭhe na pāṣāṇe na mṛṇmaye ।
bhāve hi vidyate devaḥ tasmādbhāvo hi kāraṇam ॥
- cāṇakya nīti

Meaning of the subhAShita:
God is not in a stick, stone, or clay (statue). God is attained through attitude; hence, attitude is the instrument.

God is worshipped in different forms. Statues of deities come in all sizes, shapes, and forms. We worship the statues because we have a certain 'bhāva' (attitude/emotion) towards them. We see Godliness in a certain form and shape. The idol is a focal point for a belief we have in our hearts. It is the ideal behind the idol that is worshiped. 

Hence, the verse says, it is that faith, that belief, that emotion, that makes the statue God! Whatever shape, form, or size we worship God in, the 'sincerity of the devotion' behind it makes all the difference. Not the wood, or the stone, or the clay composition of the statue itself.

If we really think about it, everything is driven by our attitudes in this world! Although attitude is a hypothetical construct, it is the entity that shapes the world around us. It influences our lives so profoundly that just a small change of attitude can turn situations around completely! Whether it is a belief in the Supreme power or faith in a person dear to us, it's all a matter of attitude. 

Attitude sets your altitude!

pada vigrahaH:
न देवः विद्यते काष्ठे न पाषाणे न मृण्मये ।
na devaḥ vidyate kāṣṭhe na pāṣāṇe na mṛṇmaye ।

भावे हि विद्यते देवः तस्मात् भावः हि कारणम् ॥
bhāve hi vidyate devaḥ tasmāt bhāvaḥ hi kāraṇam ॥

Alternate Transliteration:
na devo vidyate kaaShThe na paaShaaNe na mRuNmaye ।
bhaave hi vidyate devaH tasmaadbhaavo hi kaaraNam ॥
- chaaNakya nIti

na devaH vidyate kaaShThe na paaShaaNe na mRuNmaye ।
bhaave hi vidyate devaH tasmaat bhaavaH hi kaaraNam ॥

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